connect JG tutorial with java(dependency issues)

I started looking into Janus Graph and wanted to see what a springboot app connecting to a Janus graph would look like. I just can't seem to get past step two of the "connecting to janusGraph using java" tutorial. I've placed my two dependencies into my maven pom.xml file and when loading my dependencies only the gremlin driver was loaded. The Janusgraph-driver dependency fails with error stating that it couldn't find the dependency. Error: " Could not find artifact org.janusgraph:janusgraph-driver:pom:0.6.4 in central ( "   What could I be doing wrong?
0.6.4 is not officially released yet, so you don't find it in maven
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4 Replies
Bo8mo ago
0.6.4 is not officially released yet, so you don't find it in maven
Bo8mo ago
You could use 0.6.3 for now 0.6.4 will be released soon (estimate: by the end of this week)
Xonos8mo ago
Ahhh, thank you.
Bo7mo ago
Just FYI: 0.6.4 and 1.0.0 have been released