Fancybox alternatives to modals

We currently use an older, free version of Fancybox to load images and forms in modal lightboxes. I was about to be all set to migrate to or program my own non-jquery-dependent solution, aaaaand now we're using pardot forms which are iframes. (Which we hate so much.) Can anyone recommend a good alternative to fancybox that handles images and iframes? The latest v5 of Fancybox seems like it's just a paid license now.
14 Replies
ἔρως8mo ago
are you using bootstrap? or pure html? or some other framework/ui tool/something?
Jenny P
Jenny P8mo ago
Pure HTML at the moment. I wish we used a's on my roadmap!!
Jochem8mo ago
any reason dialog won't work?
ἔρως8mo ago
dialog looks ugly as hell but can be made to do what you want
Jochem8mo ago
css is a thing though?
ἔρως8mo ago
and it already has a backdrop true, but the best way i found to style a dialog is to hide it and use an absolute positioned div i may be wrong about this, but it is what worked for me but then again, i was using bootstrap
Jochem8mo ago
see, there's your problem the dialog html element is just another element you can style
ἔρως8mo ago
but can you style it in ANY way?
Jochem8mo ago
afaik yeah
ἔρως8mo ago
i had troubles with the borders
Jochem8mo ago
I haven't run into any restrictions, though I've also not made a ton of modals with it
ἔρως8mo ago
i had some issues with it, which is why i did that ugly hack but it was a year ago
MarkBoots8mo ago
i saw a website using this one. on first glance it looks simple and nice, and it is free for commercial use
ἔρως8mo ago <-- i used this one too but using a dialog element is a better idea, in my opinion