A question about getting Sass setup

Do you alway install sass when you use it or will it always be stored on your pc? I'm using VSCode. I installed Sass before on a project but it looks like I have to install it again
7 Replies
Takyon_is_OnlineOP17mo ago
I am following Kevin Powell's video and Parcel isn't working for me https://youtu.be/wYWf2m_yzBQ?si=jjRUy6r1NCwqzAMf
Kevin Powell
Sass with auto-refresh (and more) made easy
Get updates and be the first to know when my Sass course launches: https://learnsass.com Wanting to start using Sass, but the command line stuff seems scary? Thanks to Parcel, we can get it all up and running pretty painlessly. We will be diving into the command line here, but we're keeping it really easy! Ready to start using Sass? In this vi...
Takyon_is_OnlineOP17mo ago
I am at the part where he changes the "scripts" inside the package.json 11:40 into the video "scripts": { "dev": "parcel src/index.html", "build": "parcel build src/index.html" }, Then I do npm run dev I get this I have multiple workspace open because I am trying to see if I can build a website I built as a code along with another online instructor.
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Takyon_is_OnlineOP17mo ago
Also main.scss isn't making changes to my main.css file
b1mind17mo ago
I install it per project. not globally It's been awhile since I've used Parcel but its pretty 0 config from what I remember. did you run the sass --watch cmd? oh nvm lol yea so you if you are using the parcel way you should just be able to build with it. (link the .scss like you would .css and brrrr) Then when you want to host it you npm run build and use that compiled dist (or w/e folder) So looking closer at your screenshot (repo's are much easer to see thing for next time) I see you pointing the script in package.json to src/index but your index.html is in root /
b1mind17mo ago
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b1mind17mo ago
Look at Kevins folder struct and you can see what it should look like or change it in the scripts
Takyon_is_OnlineOP17mo ago
I got it to work. My folder was named "SCSS" in all uppercase. I changed it to lowercase and it worked. Also can you help me with web development language? Is this what is called "compiling to css"?

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