My site is erroring with a 500 on Pages (not dev), how do I track down the problem?

I don't see anywhere I can view server logs, so what is the best way to diagnose a HTTP 500 issue?
4 Replies
Chaika9mo ago
What's the error page say exactly? If it's a worker/function exception, you can tail the function's logs ?pages-logs
Flare9mo ago
If you're looking to tail a Pages Function you can do so in the UI here: or with Wrangler: wrangler pages deployment tail [deploymentId/url]
artdevgame9mo ago
It doesn't say anything. Remix is telling me to handle the error better, so I'm just pushing up an ErrorBoundary function to the root.tsx file.
No description
artdevgame9mo ago
I feel like it's having problem talking to a worker Ah cool, that logging command works, thanks @Chaika
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