X-Forwarded-For proxies
I'm just learning a bit about X-Forwarded-For, I'de like to know if it's possible for this header to be spoofed, or indeed incorrect IP address of the user. Are there any mitigations, checks I can do to ensure I'm correctly identifying the user based on their IP.
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Information Security Stack Exchange
How to prevent spoofing of X-Forwarded-For header?
X-Forwarded-For header can capture the IP of the client and use this IP to implement access control.
However, the X-Forwarded-For header can be easily spoofed or manipulated.
How to prevent this or...
can I potentially use this to Geo-locate users based on the proxy?
usually you can't much to mitigate x-forwarded-for if you don't have access to the proxy.
the proxy that blocks the headers.
and railway seems to do that, but only for the header
seems to append the ip sent by the client@ThallesComH you legend
i'll read about Envoy external address
good, watch out that Cloudflare also have their
https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/reference/http-request-headersCloudflare HTTP request headers · Cloudflare Fundamentals docs
Cloudflare passes all HTTP request headers to your origin web server and adds additional headers as specified below.
behaves the same as the Railway's onegotcha!
is Railway using this?
yes they are
Looking forward to when Brody does:
you're funny