Novu8mo ago

Styling missing real emails

We wrote a template after a digest step and we can test it with digest options on both development and production and it gets sent with our layout styling. When we send it by triggering the flow on development and waiting for the digest, it gets sent with our layout styling. But when we send the email through the service on production, whether via test run or our other code, the layout gets stripped. This has been happening for several months. We are using the official cloud hosting.
7 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain8mo ago
Hi @Choop Which email provider you are using?
Choop8mo ago
No description
Choop8mo ago
amazon SES
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain8mo ago
Thanks @Choop 🙏
Choop8mo ago
I'm noticing that I have Novu email as my test provider --- I'll see if I can set that as SES also for testing
Novu_Bot8mo ago
@Choop, you just advanced to level 1!
Choop8mo ago
I've found that when I set up an email as Amazon SES, this issue still fails to reproduce in dev (but continues to affect prod).