Railway8mo ago

Hello, I Have a private npm registry, and I build app and deploy via github workflows and railway up

I can build successfully in github, but railway builds is trying to build again. and it failed since I can't create .npmrc file before installtion. any help about that ?
5 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: N/A
MantisInABox8mo ago
I'm not sure if this answers your question or not, but if Railway is building your app again, it will fail as there is no support for private npm packages/registries at this time
Mustafa8mo ago
I don't know why the second build from railway side ! but this is what happens
MantisInABox8mo ago
I'm not sure why it is building a second time either honestly. I don't use git workflows for my deployments. Sorry I couldn't be more help
Mustafa8mo ago
I tried to set pre-install script, but this will efect local development and I don't want that thanks for your reply, appreciated!