
Every brand on No Man Walks Alone deserves a thread.
5 Replies
I’ve got one knit shirt from them that I love. Maybe someday I’ll be able to afford a second.
JWB8mo ago
Really into the cord suit they dropped yesterday, but man I can’t do a 10” rise. One of those brands I always see pieces I love, but never bite on
sorrynodice8mo ago
I have a brown coat from them that I absolutely love (although it isn't as heavy as I'd like). I wish I could afford more pieces. they have some great stuff this season.
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Bigelow8mo ago
Doppiaa is great. I've got a few sweaters and an overcoat from them. I do wish that they made their tailored jackets in long sizes because their off the rack sizes don't fit me
I love their use of color and pattern. I bought way too many coats when they had an end of season sale about a year ago. Their stuff seem to have disproportionately low resale values, so it's worth watching resale listings for some really good buys.