Which type of levis are high rise?

hey so I dont really own any pair of jeans except for one from ASOS and I was hoping to get some levis I mainly like to wear high rise pants and would love some high rise jeans so any recommendations?? I guess I like a rise of 12.5"/31.75 but could be flexible as long as it gives the high rise look I’m a 34” waist
12 Replies
rej8mo ago
Hard to know without your waist size to reference to
Zee8mo ago
I’m a 34” inch didn’t know that mattered lol
rej8mo ago
Rise is gonna vary with the waist size. A 12 inch rise on a 28 inch waist is pretty high. The same rise on a 42 inch waist is not
Zee8mo ago
So I’m just gonna have to try random stuff on and there isn’t a certain number that means high rise?
rej8mo ago
It's all subjective, really. Maybe try some 505's and see if those are high enough. You may also want to look into more vintage cuts because they tend to have higher rises But if you're limiting yourself specifically to Levi's, the options for an actually high rise are pretty limited
Zee8mo ago
thx 🙂 Any brand you recommend u Particular for high rise denim?
rej8mo ago
Pants are hard. It's normal to try a bunch out and figure out what works for you
Zee8mo ago
Yh I guess thanks I’m so used to buying mainly from olive clothing that normally do high rise they have jeans can check them
Alex8mo ago
Muji 32x30 straight fit jeans have an 11.5” rise if that is suitable for you
Zee8mo ago
will check em out thx
SpicyOcelot8mo ago
Here’s a list of specific pants models and their rises from the MFAD substack: https://malefashionadvice.substack.com/p/high-risers-a-list-of-front-rises
High Risers: A List of Front Rises
By u/tripletruble (2023)
CinnamonF58mo ago
I remember that the Twitter fashion guy once recommended Wranglers as the primo high rise jeans. No idea if that's commonly accepted wisdom.