Team Billed but Not Created

Issue submitted of team billed but not created
17 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: N/A
JustJake8mo ago
@TechAmbits Received your support ticket! Was there like, anything weird that happened? Super perplexing :/
TechAmbits8mo ago
thomas8mo ago
Hey, / We found a team that was created in September then deleted Do you recall anything about that? The team name was: TechAmbits and it was billed on September 17th.
TechAmbits8mo ago
Let me ask my developers, I am the CEO of the company and I only know that they have asked me to make two payments of 20USD, one last month and the other today.
thomas8mo ago
Oct 16, 2023 at 13:08:48.753 was when the team was deleted so today about 3 hours ago no worries! just trying to clarify what should happen next.
TechAmbits8mo ago
They just informed me that they didn't understand why the projects continued working with the promotional credits after having made last month's payment, but this time the free tier had already expired and they thought that by paying the projects again they would start working. I think they were unaware of the transfer of projects. One of the guys confirms that he deleted the TechAmbits team hoping that the balance would be charged to the projects. I don't understand this very well, but they ask me to inform you.
thomas8mo ago
Thank you, that makes sense. Excellent; our team thinks the best way forward is to go through the team signup flow again. I can see how that would be confusing, and we will take this feedback. I will refund the charge from earlier today
TechAmbits8mo ago
So, should I buy the plan again?
thomas8mo ago
Yes, that is the best way forward, this should setup a new team that your Developers can transfer your projects to
TechAmbits8mo ago
I already made the purchase and transferred the projects.
thomas8mo ago
Perfect it looks like you are all setup I am refunding your earlier purchase now, is there anything else I can help you with?
TechAmbits8mo ago
The applications should be faster with this resource update, right?
thomas8mo ago
The difference between Hoby and the team plan is that we remove certain limits that can slow down applications. However, measuring the speed of a software application is challenging. The short answer is yes; you are on our best plan now and will get our best speeds. But the long answer is that things that where single-threaded and weren't memory or network-contained will probably take about the same time. Refund has been issued, it may take time to process with your bank
TechAmbits8mo ago
Thank you
thomas8mo ago
please feel free to email: now that you are a team, you can have direct support via email. You can certainly email if your application is not performing as expected. And my pleasure, I hope we are able to provide smooth service to your business in the future.
TechAmbits8mo ago
I really appreciate the help you gave me. Thanks again.