Postgressql database size? Do I pay by it's size?
Hello, I would like to know how to see my postgressql database size or if I will get charged by it's size? Thanks!
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- database plugins get an invisible 32gb volume that you are not charged for.
- database services (beta) get a "visible" volume with the size that your plan allows for (5gb on hobby and 50gb on pro) this volume you are charged for by how much storage you use....
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- database plugins get an invisible 32gb volume that you are not charged for.
- database services (beta) get a "visible" volume with the size that your plan allows for (5gb on hobby and 50gb on pro) this volume you are charged for by how much storage you use.
so my postgressql invisible volume is 32gb, I don't think never will reach that but what happens if I do?
I have a data prune system ON it shouldn't happen
but who
your database would likely crash
hmmm that's scary
how can I see my current postgressql size?
that is not displayed with the old plugin system
you may be interested in the new database services, with them, you are able to see the storage in use
can I vinculate that to my postgressql?
or is there a way to check my current "volume size"?
maybe a command in the dockerfile to run in the linux system?
you can see how much storage is in use with the new database services
like i said, it is not shown to you when you are using the old database plugins
hmmm and if I create the volume the data will be transferred to the new volume automatically or how?
not quite, it is a manual process, you would need to deploy a new database from the offical templates, dump your data from the old database and restore it to the new database
you killed me haahaha
haha then dont worry about it
I'm going 2 make a nodejs script to access postgressql db and calcualte it's size
if you care that much you should just use the new database services
as you can see by my screenshot, you can easily view the usage
yeah but I already have pretty much data and I don't want to spend 1 day debugging n8n is a f... pain when you have to migrate db
its really not that hard, theres plently of guides for pg_dump and pg_restore
yeah I know, thanks for the help but I'm gonna pass
I checked the size right now I have 300mb
it's not worth the time
as said I will never reach the plugin limit, I have pruning functions on that clear db after 7 days
and I figured out that I already have a database backup system working that makes a copy and uploads it to my s3 bucket
so looking the size there will give me an idea how big my current database is
sounds good then!