Cordings Rise

I’m having trouble believing Cordings uses a ~9 inch rise for their moleskin trousers. I sent them an email and apparently this doesn’t include the waistband, but this would still leave them with a low rise. Discussions elsewhere point to them having quite a high rise. Does anyone know the true rise on a pair in 30 or 32?
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5 Replies
Wonkymythology8mo ago
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Wonkymythology8mo ago
Size 32, abt 11 on the wider wale cords - the ones with side adjusters. I would say they're pretty firmly a mid rise
N/A8mo ago
Thank you! A little disappointing as I’d hoped for at least an 11.5 but that’s certainly workable. Peter Christian seems to be a budget option but I’ll have to ask my tailor if he can take in an elastic waistband.
HaveanA1day8mo ago
Does Peter Christian have high-rises?
N/A8mo ago
13 inches as far as I’m aware