Workers account limit

Hi, Does the max 500 worker limit apply on the root account, or if I add new members, they will also have their own 500 workers quota ? Thanks for your reply,
5 Replies
Erisa8mo ago
Applies to the whole account, regardless of how many members you add
omar42898mo ago
Ok, thank you. I was thinking of creating a solution, and spin up a worker per registered user with custom env variables to make requests fast (will have around 1.5k users. Any ideas to make this possible?
Erisa8mo ago
Workers for Platforms · Cloudflare for Platforms docs
Workers for Platforms allows you to run your own code as a wrapper around your user’s code. With Workers for Platforms, you can logically group your …
omar42898mo ago
Thanks, although that requires a business plan, which I guess costs a lot right ? Ok, thank you both. I might switch to that once I validate my idea. For now just looking for what is possible to do on different cloud providers
rodrigo4mo ago
Is there a max traffic estimate (for the 500 worker limit)? when do you recommend to switch to an enterprise plan?