Since this afternoon Error when deploying all our nuxt applications

App: 20:00:23.177 Deploying your site to Cloudflare's global network... 20:00:27.089 Uploading... (4/15) 20:00:27.727 Uploading... (8/15) 20:00:27.809 Uploading... (12/15) 20:00:27.876 Uploading... (15/15) 20:00:27.876 ✨ Success! Uploaded 11 files (4 already uploaded) (1.28 sec) 20:00:27.877
20:00:28.126 ✨ Upload complete! 20:00:30.635 Success: Assets published! 20:00:32.713 Error: Failed to publish your Function. Got error: Error 8000057: Overlapping rules in _routes.json are not allowed. Rule "/_nuxt/builds/" is overlapped by "/_nuxt/". Remove one of the rules to continue. This is a log of a deploy of a commit that worked fine this morning. Branch: main 27302a5 html lang=es Status: Success 10:53AM October 19, 2023 Duration: 1m 11s 10:53:42.851 Deploying your site to Cloudflare's global network... 10:53:46.315 Uploading... (3/13) 10:53:46.979 Uploading... (6/13) 10:53:46.999 Uploading... (9/13) 10:53:47.326 Uploading... (13/13) 10:53:47.326 ✨ Success! Uploaded 10 files (3 already uploaded) (1.31 sec) 10:53:47.327
10:53:47.681 ✨ Upload complete! 10:53:49.810 Success: Assets published! 10:53:51.908 Success: Your site was deployed!
9 Replies
xavi-ean8mo ago
Success deployment d81d1e6b-e7cb-4463-a036-aa4722e906d2 10:53 CET Fail deployment f3591698-f45d-470d-bca6-dc301111140c 20:00 CET Same repo commit
ATATC8mo ago
Check the CLI version. I had the same situation when using next-on-pages 1.7.0.
xavi-ean8mo ago
I've just create a new test app via cli: npm create cloudflare@latest my-nuxt-app -- --framework=nuxt with same error as via cloudflare dashboard: 🌍 Uploading... (11/11) ✨ Success! Uploaded 7 files (4 already uploaded) (1.92 sec) ✨ Compiled Worker successfully ✨ Uploading Worker bundle ✘ [ERROR] Invalid _routes.json file found at: dist/_routes.json Overlapping rules found. Please make sure that rules ending with a splat (eg. "/api/") don't overlap any other rules (eg. "/api/foo"). This applies to both include and exclude rules individually. _routes.json file: _routes.json { "version": 1, "include": [ "/" ], "exclude": [ "/_nuxt/", "/_nuxt/builds/", "/_nuxt/builds/meta/", "/favicon.ico" ] }%
Removed lines: "/_nuxt/builds/
", "/_nuxt/builds/meta/", my-nuxt-app git:(main) ✗ npx wrangler pages deploy ./dist
🌍 Uploading... (11/11) ✨ Success! Uploaded 0 files (11 already uploaded) (0.23 sec) ✨ Compiled Worker successfully ✨ Uploading Worker bundle ✨ Uploading _routes.json ✨ Deployment complete! Take a peek over at ➜ my-nuxt-app git:(main) ✗ Success deployment npm run build => "build": "NITRO_PRESET=cloudflare-pages nuxt build" generates ./dist/_routes.json file with overlaping rules in exclude section. Workaround: use a custom #!/bin/bash npm run build sed -i '//_nuxt/builds/
/d' ./dist/_routes.json removes the overlapping routes after building app.
xavi-ean8mo ago
No description
Giacomo8mo ago
I also have this problem I built successfully until a few hours ago
xavi-ean8mo ago
Try the workaround explained above. It works for me.
Giacomo8mo ago
Lastly I ended up doing as described here , for me is a bit more elegant, if we want to say so 😂.
Deployment to Cloudflare Pages broken with new Nuxt 3.8 app manifes...
Environment Operating System: Darwin Node Version: v18.18.2 Nuxt Version: 3.8.0 CLI Version: 3.9.1 Nitro Version: 2.7.0 Package Manager: npm@9.8.1 Builder: - User Config: nitro Runtime Modules: - B...
Giacomo8mo ago
Investing a bit more also in the discussion topic, it came out that it is a problem of the new version of Nitro, updated yesterday I've seen that they are already working on that, so I hope that the problem will be solved soon
xavi-ean8mo ago
Yes, more elegant 🤦. Thanks.
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