Railwayβ€’8mo ago

`Failed to prompt for select` when using `railway link` CLI

Hello, On a new project that only has a recently created, empty, Postgres instance, I cannot use the railway link command from the recently installed CLI. - I am on Macos Intel 13.5.1 - I just reinstalled the CLI with brew. CLI version is railwayapp 3.5.0 - When running railway link I can correctly select the project and env (first screenshot) - When running railway link <id> it requires a service (second screenshot) - I have the Hobbyist tier Thanks a lot, awsome project !
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11 Replies
Percyβ€’8mo ago
Project ID: 8f27fa9f-dc38-4654-b2f7-92f08f11df08
PierreMVβ€’8mo ago
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
interesting, can you share your usecase of linking to a project with only a database plugin?
PierreMVβ€’8mo ago
Oh, I plan on expanding the project with an API but for now I'd like to be able to log into the DB using railway connect Postgres . It works fine with psql but I just wanted to experiment with the CLI. Nothing blocking or urgent, I was just curious as to why I wasn't successfully linking. πŸ™‚
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
because there's no service, nothing to link to
PierreMVβ€’8mo ago
Ok, this worked after creating an empty service! I guess my specific use case is uncommon among railway users but I find it slightly confusing as to why a PG instance isn't considered as a service or why a service is required to link a project. In any case, thanks for your help, it fixed the issue. I'm very impressed by your reactivity. I manage a support service in my daily job and I know how hard it is to be consistently quick in answering clients issues (and how important it is as a metric !) This is solved ! πŸ™‚
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
the database you currently have is called a plugin, it uses an old and outdated system (soon to be depreciated) completely different from a service. p.s. i dont work for railway
PierreMVβ€’8mo ago
Oh ok, then I'll try to find the updated way to spin up a PG instance ! Thanks for your help anyway, they should consider hiring you haha.
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
if you join beta (from the dashboard -> ctrl / cmd + k -> join priority boarding) any new database you spin up is going to automatically be a service + volume deployed from a docker image
PierreMVβ€’8mo ago
That sounds perfect ! Thanks again Brody !!
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
no problem πŸ™‚