External MySQL
I can't connect to an external MySQL over port
it gives me a refused connection error.19 Replies
Project ID:
where is this external mysql db hosted
do you maybe need to do some whitelisting?
Wait let me check.
try this tool? https://utilities.up.railway.app/port-check?host=viaduct.proxy.rlwy.net&port=10144
replace the host and port with your mysql host and port
Seems to work just fine
I checked, It's whitelisted for anywhere
show me the error printout?
Okay, let me relaunch the project, I had deleted it.
haha okay
Bruh, it suddently started working-
typo then?
I'm sorry.
Let me just launch my other bot here, it also uses mysql, just to make sure-
no worries, i got to use the utilities, so thats a win in my books
It seems to be both working fine, maybe it was because the panel didn't get railway ip or something and worked with utilities?
Well anyways, thank you.