Fix settings popup incorrect position

I have noticed that settings popup always show up on the top of the DOM but if you are scrolled down you are completely locked out from scrolling so you have to close the popup by clicking away (or refresh page)
7 Replies
Alepouna🌙•8mo ago
Alepouna🌙•8mo ago
Here's a video
Manicraft1001•8mo ago
Thanks for the report. Can you open an issue on GitHub and tag @Tag (Tagashi)?
Tag•8mo ago
Hold on, are you saying you can't scroll when the settings pop up is opened? I don't see the problem
Manicraft1001•8mo ago
The modal is at the top of the page and they can't see it @Tag
Tag•8mo ago
Oooh I got it, the popup opens at the very top of the page and not at the top of the screen. That's a weird bug
Manicraft1001•8mo ago
Yes, correct. At least that's what I understood from OP