system boots in emergency mode and rollback does not work

It seams to be a external hard drive that is an issue but I have rollback the system and it still doesn't work and I have checked fstab nothing is there
6 Replies
barrettloganj138mo ago
How do I fix this
Gerblesh8mo ago
friend also got this, best I can suggest is a reinstall
dnkmmr8mo ago
I thought that problems like this are nearly impossible to happen
Gerblesh8mo ago
My friend had struggles getting windows to recognize his drives until he turned off hardware RAID so it seems like a hardware problem
barrettloganj137mo ago
Seems that is the only fix
HikariKnight7mo ago
external drives are not recommended for bazzite from what i remember, they are ok for testing but not much past that. when you get to this point, its almost easier to reinstall