Overseerr - No requests found

Is there some specific trick to getting the Media Requests widget working? I have a request in my Overseerr, but it's not showing up in my Homarr widget. I thought I set up the integration correctly.
Update: I recopied and repasted my api key and requests now show in the widget. Not sure why that did it, except maybe I didn't fully copy the api the first time.
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8 Replies
Tag8mo ago
Hi, any errors in your logs? What does the ping bubble on your app tile say? @MINUS Stl
MINUS Stl8mo ago
The ping bubble is green. As for the logs, it looks like Overseerr only keeps the current day's logs? I don't see any for yesterday when I was testing the request function. I'll try it again later today when I have more time.
MINUS Stl8mo ago
Update: I recopied and repasted my api key and requests now show in the widget. Not sure why that did it, except maybe I didn't fully copy the api the first time.
Tag8mo ago
I, sorry I forgot to respond. I'm glad you worked it out. Often the answer is just to clear things and put them back in
MINUS Stl8mo ago
All good. I had retried my api before but it hadn't worked previously. This time instead of just clicking the copy button in Overseerr, I selected the whole api and bam! 👍
Tag8mo ago
good to know
ajnart8mo ago
@MINUS Stl @Tag Can you create a GH issue about that ? We should change the error if it shows "No request found" when it bugs out
MINUS Stl8mo ago
Not sure what I would need to do.