SSG vs static html page

Hello guys I have a task and I am confused about difference between 1. and 3.
Implement API call as remote service call to[numberFromConfig] That will be accessed on http://localhost:3000/api/ourpapi 1. Implement page as page static HTML with text from ourapi 2. Implement page as SSR with text from ourapi call 1. Implement page as SSG with text from ourapi call
4 Replies
Sturlen8mo ago
if you're unsure then you should probably ask them to clarify. though my guess would be that nr. 1 is html without any framework and nr. 3 is with a framework that generates html
Brutalni8mo ago
Hello, they asked me to use app router: - use NextJS 13 as Frontend Framework - use App Router for routing
Brutalni8mo ago
i just noticed that in docs ssg and ssr dont exist in app router, there is static and dynamic rendering
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Brutalni8mo ago
i know it is basically the same thing but their task is wrong on so many levels
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