Hobby plan copy is misleading
Here's the description of my Hobby plan, "Your plan includes up to 8 GB of RAM, 8 vCPU, and 100 GB of Shared Disk. Manage your Plan.", available in this page: https://railway.app/account/usage.
However, if this is the price for the CPU: "$0.000463 / vCPU / Minute", let's do the math:
60 minutes * 24 hours that a day has * 31 days for the month * the price per minute = 20.668€. And this is for only 1 cpu. If I add 7 more CPUs, we are talking of 165.34656€
Sooo... What does the hobby plan really include?
This is completely misleading since here: https://railway.app/pricing, and as you can see in the image, it says that "Includes $5 of usage monthly 8 GB RAM / 8 vCPU per Service".
I'm sorry but, it's not even misleading, it is borderline fraudulent. Can someone assist me on this?
32 Replies
Project ID:
I wholeheartedly disagree. The pricing is clear on Railway's pricing page. The 5$/month metric has a clear message underneath indicating the resource usage is extra.
The inclusion of 5$ of usage monthly is very clearly a separate line from the 8GB RAM / 8VCPU per service line
If you feel as though you've been charged unjustly, you're welcome to contact the team at [email protected]
So, for this, what you are saying is that with the 20€ per month, you DON'T HAVE included the 32gb of ram and the 32vCPU?
No, you do. Again, resource usage is extra as it says under the 20$/Seat
Additionally, if you scroll down there is a usage pricing estimator as well as a baseline cost per GB/vCPU
Then it could say 1 million GB ram, and a random number of vCPU, is that it?
Why are there different values of Ram and vCPU for each plan then?
So, these things I marked with an arrow, these are included with the Pro
With a given service on the pro plan, you have access to up to 32GB of RAM and 32vCPU. These resources are charged in addition to the 20/mo/seat figure
however this "32 GB RAM / 32 vCPU per Service" is not
It is
So, for this table, some things are included, others aren't (32 GB RAM / 32 vCPU per Service)
I understand what you are saying with this, but this is completely misleading.
Are you reading what I'm saying? Resources are charged extra
No, it's not
I accept your opinion, but I disagree.
Again, if you feel as though you've been charged unjustly, you're welcome to contact the team at [email protected]
What anyone understands from the table is that it includes those rams and cpus, and anything EXTRA you would pay for it.
This conversation isn't productive as conductors have no ability to change the site, so I'm going to lock the thread. If you would like to discuss with the team, send them an email
Clearly not, you're the first to have this opinion and bring it up in this server
I'm going to take Adam's side on this; you can contact [email protected] if you have any further questions concerning this.
We have no power to change the site, contact the team if you have a complaint
Hello from the railway team. If anyone feels unfairly billed, please feel free to email Billing at railway noting this message. I am reviewing why this is misleading now, but wanted to make that clear
Thank you @thomas ! 🙂
I am unlocking, but conductors, please feel free to ignore further messages.
@Miguel Ferreira I think your main point is that when we say 8 vCPU x memory› it seems like it is included in the 5/mon price.
The point of that line is to say you can have up to that many at the hobby plan. The reason it's higher on teams is that for professional level projects we want you to have profession level resources. We aren' GCP or azure we are better at the delvoper experance. If you want to pay raw cost your free to go to them. We don't hide that we encourage it. But if you want to spot worring about hosting and setting everything you can come to us.
Woud it be better if we said something like:
8 GB RRAM/ 8vCPU billed per service?
because we have to bill usage, your own math shows that. we are very very close to providing usage at our cost and it wouldnt' be fair to the vast mejority of users that use very little. Most bills I have seen are around 1-4 dollars per small service
Example projects of mine
I really do feel like we should clarify that the 5 dollars is also applied to your first 5/ dollars of useage, but the 20/seat is not
imo that's clarified enough just by not having a line saying it's included
I have seen a lot of people ask if the pro plan comes with any included usage
Changing the wording to "up to 8GB etc." would clear this up I think
LOG-825 - Clarify issues on pricing page
The pricing page has some confusing in the statement: "8 GB RAM/ 8 vCPU per Service" which make it sounds like usage is included. The suggestion is to change this to: "up to 8 GB RAM 8 vCPU available per service" which makes it more clear that this is a reasource cap not plan inclusion. Secondly, the pro-plan says all hobby plan features but it does not include any usage credit, which is the first feature of the hobby plan. This needs to be clarified.
Thomas Cahill
No guarantees we have to decide this as a team, but I will surface this change
Thank you everyone for listening to this!
For me it was unclear that the 8gb (and for the pro plan, the 32) were limits. If you check the table, you have a bunch of included stuff that has a checkmark. However, for the resources (8 GB RAM/ 8vCPU per Service), although they also have a checkmark, it is not included but 'up to', this is really the main point.
Even with the up to (but this might be me being picky), I would assume that I can use up to those resources, but that they would be included (again, from a design standpoint, if you have the checkmark before it, it seems like it is included), also, I don't think it is straightforward for the client to assume that this will not be included and that these are the limits of the hardware you can use.
Regarding the '+ RESOURCE USAGE' line, honestly, and this is also the opinion of some of my colleagues, we all thought it was about any extra resources you end up using (which makes total sense).
Anyway, thank you for looking into this, and I hope changes can be made to make everything more clear to everyone 🙂