how can bazzite-nvidia skip grub, auto-login and launch a default application?

As the title says, I finally managed to install bazzite-nvidia and now I'm looking for these 3 things: - hide grub and auto boot (after first install reboot there were 2 entries, now there are already 4 entries) - auto login so I don't need a keyboard - launch emulation station desktop edition instead of the desktop I hope someone can help me to solve these issues. Thanks in advance 👋🙂
9 Replies
Crush8mo ago
1. Run just hide-grub 2. Open settings, search SDDM, click on SDDM, in the SDDM settings, click behaviour at the bottom then configure it to automatically log in. 3. Still in settings, search "autostart", click autostart, add an application and then add emulation station Let me know if that all works for you/if you need any help 🙂
juicypop8mo ago
Thanks my friend, I will try and report back as soon as possible 🙂 That did work like a charm. But now I'm suffering from missing Nvidia kernel while booting. Don't know if the error was there before I changed anything above mentioned though. I might mention I did not enroll any keys after install because I disabled secure boot at all and didn't want to mess around making my other os unbootable So I tried to reinstall everything from scratch, enrolling this time secure keys and enabling secure boot. But it still claims that Nvidia kernel is missing, though when booted up, emulation station claims it runs on Nvidia GPU, just don't know if on proper drivers
1/4 Life
1/4 Life8mo ago
lsmod | grep nvidia
juicypop8mo ago
nvidia_drm 94208 20 nvidia_modeset 1556480 43 nvidia_drm nvidia_uvm 3497984 0 nvidia 62734336 2295 nvidia_uvm,nvidia_modeset video 77824 2 asus_wmi,nvidia_modeset just tried launching a simple game through ES-DE -> Steam Big Picture -> Super MagBot
1/4 Life
1/4 Life8mo ago
looks good
juicypop8mo ago
super sluggish loads like 2minutes, and i dont feel like its using my gpu at all
HikariKnight8mo ago
Does it have the same issue in desktop mode? Because I thought bpm was sluggish on Nvidia on Linux
juicypop8mo ago
It's a try and fail, I have the feeling sometimes it uses Nvidia drivers sometimes not. But through all my reboots it always says Nvidia kernel couldn't be loaded I feel like this is a alpha release 😁
EyeCantCU8mo ago
Try a rebase to 39: rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker://