Puppeteer issue with clicking a button/clicking enter, and then waiting for a 200 response
This is one of those works locally but does not work when deployed situations. I'm scraping various websites, with permission from those websites (as long as I don't throttle). One of the sites I need to open up a page, click one button, and then wait for a 200 response in the network tab that get's triggered by that button press. I'm 99% sure that my railway instance does click the button correctly, but even timing out for over 5 minutes, the 200 never comes through. I can see other responses, but not the specific one I need. Any puppeteer/railway experts that can help?
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all I can really say is to add extra logging, like log what type of status codes you do get when you aren't seeing the desired 200 code
not so much a problem with railway as they run your code as is
Fixed it, it was a cors issue. Logging helped.