Railwayβ€’8mo ago

Setting region doesn't work

project: 5908e018-e6a0-42ee-b4f6-04dab8bbe6fb Trying to set region to a service in any of the forked enviornments (which are test and staging) doesn't work 😦 I switch from US to EU, it schedules redeploy, but auto goes back to US in settings. I am able to do it fine it main env (and did it) but not in forked ones.
12 Replies
Percyβ€’8mo ago
Project ID: 5908e018-e6a0-42ee-b4f6-04dab8bbe6fb
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
you would likely need to use environment overrides for this https://docs.railway.app/deploy/config-as-code#environment-overrides
alexbalandiβ€’8mo ago
Thank you, looks good! I understand that i should set region to europe-west4 but how is the option to set called? πŸ˜… I'm feeling dumb but I can't find it in documentation or schema here : https://backboard.railway.app/railway.schema.json
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
looks like it actually isnt part of the schema does updating the region of a service in the main branch not effect the service in the forked environment?
alexbalandiβ€’8mo ago
Sadly no 😦
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
i see i will ask the team
alexbalandiβ€’8mo ago
Funny thing is, one of my services is running on eu just fine (set a long time ago) , but the other - nope. There was db at some point, I removed it way back, maybe some guardrails are still in place πŸ€” I'll try to delete service and create it again, see if it helps
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
deleting the service just makes it near impossible for a team member to see whats happening 😐
alexbalandiβ€’8mo ago
well, the good thing is that the service in main env was actually not tied to the services in forked envs .... It seems my two forked envs "test" and "staging" have a service running (heres service id from test : 41448566-8240-4964-a4a7-d73c2320d7e7 and heres from staging : 41448566-8240-4964-a4a7-d73c2320d7e7 - so same id, actually) that is independent from main env
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
i have asked the team
alexbalandiβ€’8mo ago
okay, will leave it be then Don't need the switch urgnetly, so all is good! Tbh, maybe I should just... stop forking envs... NinoFace
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
oh yeah you have broken a lot of stuff with that