Railway8mo ago

Express Server With MongoDB 404 Accessing API

I have an Express server to host a react build file/folder and create api routes for get and post requests. I have setup a mongodb service and a repo (the express + build) and have connected the mongohost, pass, etc variables in the repo service. However, I recieve 404 errors when trying to access the API in my app/build Request URL: https://from-below-studio-react-production.up.railway.app/api/login Request Method: POST Status Code: 404 Not Found Here is my connection file for the db if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { const mongoUser = process.env.MONGOUSER; const mongoPassword = process.env.MONGOPASSWORD; const mongoHost = process.env.MONGOHOST; const mongoPort = process.env.MONGOPORT; connectionString = mongodb://${mongoUser}:${mongoPassword}@${mongoHost}:${mongoPort}; } else { connectionString = 'mongodb://'; } in my server.js where db is the connection file above: db.once("open", () => { httpServer.listen(PORT, () => {}); }); I copied an express mongo template to poke around and saw the api looks like this Request URL: https://mongo-express-production-a41d.up.railway.app/db/admin/ Request Method: GET Status Code: 304 Not Modified What am I missing here?
9 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: d93c4f4d-7dd2-456b-beaf-d27e6094a5bb
zboah8mo ago
project id: d93c4f4d-7dd2-456b-beaf-d27e6094a5bb
Brody8mo ago
can you provide your github repo?
zboah8mo ago
GitHub - Humberto-Zayas/from-below-studio-react
Contribute to Humberto-Zayas/from-below-studio-react development by creating an account on GitHub.
Brody8mo ago
do you have two railway services in your project? one for the server and one for the client?
zboah8mo ago
yes I have a mongodb and the git repo well one mongodb and then I have the gitrepo which consists of an express server that serves some build files from a react app
Brody8mo ago
I see that your backed is setup to serve the frontend, that is far from ideal, let's work through the steps to deploy this as an isolated monorepo
zboah8mo ago
ok ty
Brody8mo ago
you need two railway services, one for the client and one for the server, show me a screenshot of your project when that's done please