Spline UE

Good Morning all I discovered by mistake that spline from Unreal engine is working with a dash that's give chance to draw accurate spline without curve to scatter this tool already built in UE
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11 Replies
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Morning! Yes the splines created in UE and with Dash are both normal UE splines. It is just different ways of creating it. But did you mean that there was something better with the native UE way of creating splines compared to doing it with Dash? Would love to know what šŸ™‚
bolbolegyptOPā€¢16mo ago
Hello and so sorry for late to reply.. something about organizing my work Ok about SPLINE I miss to draw straight spline very easily like Curve draws with the Dash To draw a straight line by dash needs a lot of steps to get it and not have it in the accurate place.. You know as architectural work, it's not like Game developers.. we need most of the time to accurately draw (as we can do) So When I discover this tool in that day I get happy with it to draw accurate straight line to use it By Dash That's all also I hope in the future have to draw any spline ( Curve \ Straight ) with Option ( open \ close SPLINE ) to scatter inside close spline without need to make surface
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
No worries at all! ah I see, thanks for the feedback, will note this down and hopefully it can make it into a future release šŸ™‚
bolbolegyptOPā€¢16mo ago
yess Work with Spline like Magic work .. SPLINE is Very important to me in 3dsMax and UE
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Hopefully we should be able to make that happen! when you say this "to scatter inside close spline without need to make surface" what are the situations when you would not draw a spline on a surface? Or do you simply mean it would be easier if you could use the spline only and just skip the step of adding a surface to the tool in order to scatter stuff?
bolbolegyptOPā€¢16mo ago
ok In our landscape project .. somtime we have a project modeled with somone not know how we work and what is our Technics So, Sometimes we need in specific area we need to scatter special flowers or anything without back to model and slice area and make it with separate material or maybe need area with spasific forum So all of this steps we can let it just if i can to quicly draw close shape and control between curve or straight forum to scatter inside it without need to model and surface This option already in FP 5 and above .. it's very easy way and it's old option for my workflow before let 3dsmax Render and come to UE world So I hope this option in dash It is help with a lot of things not only in Landscape .. Also in interior we can use it with carpt that have wool or somting like this Also with decal .. A lot of things actually That's it Hope if my languge help to give you my idea with full details In in other side .. i use a lot of scatter to make layers in the same area if i want to make a lot of 3d plants In FP from iToo they gave us option to control in 1 scatter any 3dplant as layer .. to increase or decrease any of it ... This option also not in dash .. I make a lot of scatter actor to control in 1 area a lot of 3dplant Grass, flowers, dead šŸŒæ leaf etc, you can replace brush idea in old way with Close spline ... it's not same but very close to idea with need to brush tool šŸŒ¹
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Thanks for the details! We actually could more or less use splines like that already, see this video here: https://discord.com/channels/826908885024636989/1154397483041042442/1154456086296936519 But some users have had some issues with it, but hopefully that is solved in Dash 1.2 that will be coming out soon. Would this more or less do what you want? Also remember you can scatter on top more or less anything. So in some cases it may be nice to create a new plane, scatter on that and place the plane where you want the scatter, indoor/outdoor. If you have an carpet object in your house, you can scatter on top of it, by using the actual carpet as a surface in Surface Scatter. Regarding your second question, maybe this message/video gives you some ideas? https://discord.com/channels/826908885024636989/1170929609353724004/1171058685267693618 By doing that you, can have one Surface Scatter with several instances, one for each object if you like. And regarding brush, we are working on a similar feature! Coming soon!
bolbolegyptOPā€¢16mo ago
Thank you so so much first link is exactly what I want .. and it's new to know it now ... this will use it a lot also second link is very good idea and exactly what i want .. maybe next time we have more details to use it in depth .. for now it's clear to me i will try it many thanks for help and support .. Thank you so much we can watch it in live today if it can possible šŸ˜„
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Happy to hear that! There exist lots of small tips and tricks we have yet to show. Unfortunately, it is hard to show everything very quickly with a small team like ours šŸ™‚ Haha yes you should prepare some questions, and then hopefully if there are not too many questions, Adnan might be able to answer and show in the livestream! šŸ™‚
bolbolegyptOPā€¢16mo ago
For now .. really all i need in my landscape project is answered .. So i will watch it for study with him more in depth with all question from guys .. Also my big problem for culling with quixel almost fix .. And now i'm working like 3dsmax in past .. maybe fantastic with realtime render in UE HOPE to learn new things today for the future work Thank you See you in live šŸ˜šŸ‘‹
DanielFreden (Dash for UE5)
Sounds good! šŸ‘

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