Is it normal to get no views at the start of your YT shorts account?

I open up this account 2 days ago, first video got 8k views and the second video got 2k views but all the rest got next to 0 or just 0. Is this normal? Do i just need to keep uploading?
9 Replies
koob8mo ago
tell me what u guys think
probablyraging8mo ago
There are no guarantees when it comes to videos getting picked up by the algo, especially being a new channel, it's significantly less likely to get picked up. If your first and second video received positive engagement, it might have been pushed out to a wider audience, resulting in more views. However, the algo can be unpredictable, and sometimes, videos might not be picked up for a number of reasons. One thing you might want to try is deleting the videos that got 0 views and try reuploading them at a different time. Try different thumbnails, tags, description, etc.. Don't do this too often though as it may be considered spamming. Just keep at it, don't focus on the numbers too much on the numbers
koob8mo ago
Yes, I have done that method on a previous account and i got around 5.8K views from it, I used the same tags and stuff, just changed the title. Do you have any other tips? Or is this something that comes with a matter of time?
probablyraging8mo ago
Yeah honestly, just make quality content that people want to watch and that you actually enjoy making.
koob8mo ago
what do u say about uploading at certain times? does that matter? And like trends and stuff? Should that be considered?
M138mo ago
My videos started trending at 0000 so I set 3 videos at different times just before 0000 also the content was a bit different. None of them worked. By trending I don't mean hugely trending. Just a bit more than usual like twice or thrice than the usual
koob8mo ago
do you have any tips on creating engaging content? @m13_m13_m13
M138mo ago
Not much bro. I've only learned one thing. You got to hook viewers in the first 2 seconds. Else shorts will not work. The next step is likes matter. The shorts which got views had more likes.
doctornos8mo ago