
Project ID 63e73f9b-7d7a-4f84-b6f9-cf0a32ae24d4 You are not doing Deploy, do you not understand or why? What is the problem?
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37 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: 63e73f9b-7d7a-4f84-b6f9-cf0a32ae24d4
Brody8mo ago
can you please share your repo?
Adam8mo ago
please share your repo. It is formatted in a way such that nixpacks does not know how to deploy it
Rafael Santos da Silva
GitHub - Rafael-Lee1/Projeto_DoseCerta: O projeto consiste no desen...
O projeto consiste no desenvolvimento de um aplicativo web chamado Dose Certa, que tem como objetivo auxiliar os usuários a gerenciar suas prescrições médicas, fornecendo lembretes de doses e facil...
Rafael Santos da Silva
GitHub - Rafael-Lee1/Projeto_DoseCerta: O projeto consiste no desen...
O projeto consiste no desenvolvimento de um aplicativo web chamado Dose Certa, que tem como objetivo auxiliar os usuários a gerenciar suas prescrições médicas, fornecendo lembretes de doses e facil...
Brody8mo ago
it's just a repo with a bunch of folders with html, css, and js files, there's no structure or order to it
Rafael Santos da Silva
How do I solve the problem?
Brody8mo ago
what kind of app is this supposed to be anyway
Rafael Santos da Silva
Read the Readme, it has a pitch.
Brody8mo ago
i dont know portuguese i didnt mean what does the app do, im asking about the tech stack, to me this just looks like a bunch of random files in github
Rafael Santos da Silva
he understands. It is a simple web application that basically uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It does not have a database yet and is not hosted on any cloud service. Implemented on Windows, it only uses an API library
Brody8mo ago
how do you run your app locally?
Rafael Santos da Silva
VSCode Dude, I run it in VScode, normally. http://l ocalhost: 0000 I don't know what I need to do to keep the files organized in a way that Railway recognizes. For me, he already did this organization, and I don't think it's that random.
Adam8mo ago
what commands do you use to run it? That’s what Brody was asking
Rafael Santos da Silva
I run the local application only. Through VSCode live server.
Adam8mo ago
Again, what command do you use to run it? I understand the platform you’re running it on, but I don’t understand how you’re running it Your code doesn’t seem to have any sort of framework, so both I and Railway don’t know how to run it
Rafael Santos da Silva
Friend, I only run local.
Rafael Santos da Silva
You can clone the repository and see what I'm saying.
Adam8mo ago
I understand, but you want to run it on Railway don’t you? Railway needs a start command and I don’t see an obvious one in your app No, I can’t I don’t know how you’re running the app What command are you using to run? are you just opening up the index.html?
Brody8mo ago
(live server is a vscode extension, doesn't help in this scenario though)
Rafael Santos da Silva
yes only in the index. It does not have a database and is not hosted anywhere, just local.
Brody8mo ago
you have your index in a src folder and then your assets in folders in the root, this is not structured properly
root8mo ago
Rafael Santos da Silva
right. What can I do to fix this?
root8mo ago
Move your assets to src or a subdirectory of it, and then set that as the root path in your Railway service settings. Also, make sure you have the provider set to Staticfile.
Rafael Santos da Silva
ok, I'll do that.
root8mo ago
Also, I'd generally recommend moving your project out of OneDrive - OneDrive causes lots of issues with development tools.
Brody8mo ago
if you rename your src directory to public, railway should auto detect the static file provider, right aleks?
root8mo ago
Also: for a pure static site, I'd generally recommend using Vercel ( or Cloudflare Pages - they're optimized for this sort of thing.
Vercel: Build and deploy the best Web experiences with The Frontend...
Vercel's Frontend Cloud gives developers the frameworks, workflows, and infrastructure to build a faster, more personalized Web.
root8mo ago
Ah, yes! I forgot about that.
Rafael Santos da Silva
Ok I'll do it.
Adam8mo ago
I was gonna recommend Vercel too
root8mo ago
Or even GitHub Pages for this, that'd be the easiest to set up.
Rafael Santos da Silva
I'll check that too
Brody8mo ago
you'll still need to make the changes aleks suggested otherwise no one would be able to run this don't even know how live server was able to run it tbh