Overshoe Recommendations?

As the title suggests, the cold and drizzly season is here and I'm looking for anyone's experience with overshoes. The one's in the pic are made in Sweden from a brand called Fred&Matt. Love to hear what y'all think/recommend.
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6 Replies
Bigelow8mo ago
This seems like a much worse idea than just wearing weather-appropriate shoes/boots
hecklebuckle8mo ago
My dad used to have stretchy rubber ones
hecklebuckle8mo ago
They even come in a box
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gimp8mo ago
Galoshes are definitely a thing. With that said... I'd only wear them if I had to wear shoes that couldn't put up with cold and drizzly. Like if I was attending a black tie event and had to walk through wet to get there. Otherwise I'd find shoes that could stand up to it.
Count0Interrupt8mo ago
I used to wear overshoes, but they were such a struggle to get on and off (I had a simple rubber pair from totes) that I began keeping a pair of loafers in my office, and just wore winter boots to work. I pulled out the overshoes whenever I had to wear nice shoes for a client.
Nayyyyy8mo ago
I remember the US brand Swims being a thing for overshoes. Never owned a pair myself.