Exploring Devices to map a room.

I am currently exploring learning about unreal engine and integrating the LIDAR mapped points onto a simulator. For Mapping the room, what are your suggestions on which LIDAR to use? or is LIDAR the only option to map the room? LIDAR would get the geometry of the object, what if i need to simulate even the color and the texture of an object (lets say, of a table in the room). Which device should i be using? Any inputs are highly appreciated.
5 Replies
Joseph Ogbonna
Joseph Ogbonna8mo ago
i guess you will need some high resolution camera that will be able to run Computer Vision at it basic form for image and object detection
Yash Naidu
Yash Naidu8mo ago
Got it. Thanks !
techielew7mo ago
@Yash Naidu, I'm not sure where you are in your project - have you sketched an architecture or started prototyping? I started going down the RPi route to keep costs down since you're 'exploring' and found this relatively inexpensive compatible 2D lidar: * Slamtec RPLIDAR A1 - 360 Laser Range Scanner: https://www.adafruit.com/product/4010 Continuing down the RPi route because of cost adding in something like Intel RealSense D435 could work here; stereo camera and built-in VPU for light CV: https://www.intelrealsense.com/depth-camera-d435/. What version of UE are you working with? I remembered reading someone had gotten UE up on an RPi 4 using Vulkan drivers and found it on Github: https://github.com/rdeioris/UnrealOnRPI4 Hope this helps. Interested to hear what progress you've made so far..
Slamtec RPLIDAR A1 - 360 Laser Range Scanner
Is your favorite robot currently in a mid-life crisis? Does it need a new purpose or perhaps, direction?  Well now you can find your way with the affordable and easy to use Slamtec ...
Intel® RealSense™ Depth and Tracking Cameras
Depth Camera D435
Depth Camera D435 offers the widest field of view of all our cameras, global shutter on the depth sensor that is ideal for fast moving applications.
GitHub - rdeioris/UnrealOnRPI4: Running Unreal Engine 4 on Raspberr...
Running Unreal Engine 4 on RaspberryPI 4. Contribute to rdeioris/UnrealOnRPI4 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Yash Naidu
Yash Naidu7mo ago
Thank you! I am working on UE5. The detailed architecture is not yet sketched but on high level, i could say the flow would be in this way For Color and Texture For 3D Model Simulation Onto VR ( LiDAR + Camera) -> 3D Modeling in MeshLab/ similar Sw -> UE 5 --> VR
techielew7mo ago
Nice! Are you building a game? What's the VR for?
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