DevHeads IoT Integration Server


DevHeads IoT Integration Server

The DevHeads IoT Integration Server accelerates technology engineering by helping pro devs learn, share and collaborate.












Looking for wearable/iot/medtech startups for piloting new tech

For a wearable/iot product it’s always a game of form factor and features. We have a new tech developed specifically to miniaturize the pcb layout to a 50% lower than existing design. Would love to chat with founders or hardware engineering leads who face this challenge and looking for a solution. This is not available in the market at the moment and we are looking for exclusive pilots for early adoption. We can support in scaling up your production once the pilot is succeeded.

Seeking a customer who can trust our potential and collaborate with us in development

Hello, @everyone. I'm a software engineer and team leader passionate about software development. I've worked for over 7 years as a software engineer in various companies and led my own tech team for 2 years after finishing the contract with the latest company. We're seeking a customer who can trust our potential and collaborate with us in development so that we can achieve our vision together....

GPS location & tracking (Still in the idea phase)

I’m not quite ready for collabs, as I’m still in the idea phase, but I’m looking to integrate GPS location & tracking for high value commercial equipment — to be integrated into web app and potentially with CRM, & inventory software.

GPS tracking with accuracy less than 1cm

I am developing GPS tracking project using raspberry pi and RTX GPS sensor with accuracy less than 1cm

Looking for opportunity to collaborate

Hello, @everyone. I'm a software engineer and team leader passionate about helping programmers and businesses grow. Our team of four experienced developers specializes in Python, JavaScript, and Java, with a focus on web development, AI, and blockchain. Also, we can create advanced AI-based bots and anti-bot systems for various platforms. Collaborating with clients who trust in our potential to achieve their big dreams is an honor for us. We're committed to providing support and advice to talented programmers and clients alike. If you're interested in working together, please DM me. We're always ready to support those who need help....

W550 and NRF5340 integration

Hello, i am trying to integrate ethernet with NRf's boards on Nordic connect sdk 4.2 and there are so many build related problems i am encountering. If someone has experience with w5500 controller, please help :))

java application

Java application that manage a restaurant’s menu, sales, etc.

Power Supply Board

My name is Barileloo and I'm an electronics ethusiast. I'm currently working on a printed and doing my design with the help of KiCad. I'm open to collaborations and help from this community.

LoRaWan Project

I am developing an IoT project that uses LoRaWan + Helium console+ MQTT.

Seeking Mentorship for STM32F407VGT6 board and ArmM4

I am looking for someone who can help me at every step from zero to project. If anyone is interested and willing to impart their knowledge and expertise do dm me .

testing honeypot for Matter over Thread and Wifi

Hello, For my masters thesis, We've made a honeypot with a Matter over Thread and WiFi network using homeassistant. I would like to know if some people in here would be down to try and attack that network. We are not aware if a lot of attacks can be done remotely but if any of you have some expertise in the field to even help us try to attack it locally and could assist us in creating such attacks, that would be huge. Thanks a lot...

I wish I want to the Embedded software project using AI

I wish I want to the Embedded software project using AI

Learning FPGA

I have good experience in Computer Software Development, now i want to learn more about FPGA and work with this technology in near future..

I made my Own Satellite

I participated in an All India Level National Wide Competition Organised by INSpace and ASI in collaboration with ISRO. I developed a Can Sized Satellite which was Launched on 16th April 2024....

process tomography

Starting to work with impedace tomography for hydarates detection. Early stages, not concreat yet.

A sound localization system using MCU

Seeking help for completing a project using any MCU to implement a sound localization system

Looking to start in IoT

I'm aware how Iot works, but I really want to undersand it, from scratch the basis, where should I start? (I cannot pay for any courses)

need mentorship for development of electromagnetic flow meters

I am fy student with 7 yrs of experience in electronics and I want to take my next big step , for which I have identified a flow meter called electromagnetic flow meter which I am kin to develop it by my own , but there is a lack of detailed information about the technology. Hence I am looking forward to meet a mentor who can help me with the development .

Yocto Porting and Patching

Hi Team, I am working on migration project where needs upgrade from Yocto Roko to Kirkstone. Need help on the same. I am newbie to Linux and Yocto. Please guide me. How to apply patches and how to upgrade....

Based in Capetown, would be awesome to set up a company specializing in Telemetry

Wouldn't mind getting some ideas of what kinds of telemetry products to build and how to sell them.