Is a sports jacket + dress shirt + Chinos/khakis + dress shoes too much for Biz Casual?

Is a sports jacket + dress shirt + Chinos/khakis + dress shoes too much for Biz Casual? Will be my outfit on first day of in person office job
5 Replies
sert8mo ago
No - better to be overdressed than underdressed on your first day. Once there you can get a feel for what the general level of dress is
gimp8mo ago
Sert is right. Business casual is super vague and you may be wildly overdressed or somewhat underdressed or dressed just right. Roll with it for the good impression, figure out what everyone else is wearing, and re-adjust.
PoloSpring3438mo ago
thanks! 👍
N/A8mo ago
That is business casual.
HaveanA1day7mo ago
The sports jacket may be overdressing, but that depends on the workplace. What sort of dress shoes?