Railwayβ€’8mo ago

Trouble Deploying React + Vite + TS Front End

I've successfully (and easily) deployed this type of app with Vercel before, but now that I'm trying Railway, I'm running into issues. I'm deploying from my project's GitHub repo. I followed the tutorial below for getting a React + Vite app running. But still, when I visit the generated domain for my app, I get a 503 page. I'm a newer developer and although I'm pretty good with building full stack applications, I haven't needed to "get my hands dirty" with this type of stuff very much yet. I got used to Vercel just "magically" handling everything for me, and now I'm learning that there's more going on behind the scenes that it was just hiding from me. What might I be missing? Any help is greatly appreciated! https://help.railway.app/project-help/f9v3gkPQRy4UShk5SnoPDH/getting-your-create-react-app-running-on-railway/qHRsgxa5n57xLp1yVgk9fP
Railway | Help Center
Getting Your Create-React-App Running on Railway – Railway | Help C...
This is a little guide to help you get your create-react-app up and running smoothly
7 Replies
Percyβ€’8mo ago
Project ID: 0818d295-6f1c-470c-8a5e-2fd74a4c16bd
Jedi_Mediatorβ€’8mo ago
It's telling me to provide my project ID, so I hope this is doing the right thing: 0818d295-6f1c-470c-8a5e-2fd74a4c16bd
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
can you share your repo?
Jedi_Mediatorβ€’8mo ago
Thanks for replying, but I already deleted the Railway project. I decided to start from scratch with a Railway template instead, and build off of that. My project is still very young (only 2 commits) so it's not a problem to copy the code over to the new repo.
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
yeah thats a good idea, my vite templates have a better way of tackling the under the hood side of things, that article i wrote still works but caddy (what the vite template uses) is better than serve
Jedi_Mediatorβ€’8mo ago
Oh yeah I thought your name sounded familiar! Thanks for the template πŸ˜„
Brodyβ€’8mo ago
no problem πŸ™‚ if you have any questions you know who to ask