Railway•8mo ago

Cannot connect to clickhouse instance

After deploying a clickhouse instance via Docker, I cannot connect using the clickhouse client binary (from here: https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/getting-started/quick-start) nor via an application like DBeaver. I keep seeing some timeout error like
Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (clickhouse-production-616d.up.railway.app:8123, connection timeout 10000 ms). (SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
Code: 209. DB::NetException: Timeout: connect timed out: (clickhouse-production-616d.up.railway.app:8123, connection timeout 10000 ms). (SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
I don't think I need to configure a tcp connection in Railway, but clearly something is not working - any recommendations? 🥺
thanks for clarifying. the problem is something on my end. i enabled the tcp proxy, and i was able to connect from dbeaver. still unable to use the clickhouse cli tool from their quickstart page, but progress! thanks for the quick response...
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7 Replies
Percy•8mo ago
Project ID: da8a8199-5eab-4c33-9a12-432ff93c9f7d
shio•8mo ago
project ID: da8a8199-5eab-4c33-9a12-432ff93c9f7d
Brody•8mo ago
does clickhouse communicate over http?
shio•8mo ago
i believe it does have an http interface, but it's not the native one. i previously tried a tcp proxy as well, but i will try again
Brody•8mo ago
when you use http, you can only access the service from port 443 make sure you are specifying a PORT service variable so railway knows what port to proxy traffic on port 443 to what port internally
shio•8mo ago
thanks for clarifying. the problem is something on my end. i enabled the tcp proxy, and i was able to connect from dbeaver. still unable to use the clickhouse cli tool from their quickstart page, but progress! thanks for the quick response
Brody•8mo ago
happy to help!