Railway8mo ago

help deploying my project

I'm having trouble deploying my project, like it's deployed but i cant use the website correctly.... can someone help me ? i can show my code and everything (share the idea of the project antd the things that i want to do)
28 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Brody8mo ago
but i cant use the website correctly
please be more specific, screenshots would help here
_digu_8mo ago
My project is a "website" where you put a code and it makes a request to a API and returnes to the user a PDF file when i set the code, it does not returns to me the PDF file would you like to see the project ?
Brody8mo ago
_digu_8mo ago
I have the repo
_digu_8mo ago
GitHub - LastHasagi/CND-DSX: Fazer consultas CND para usuários e ge...
Fazer consultas CND para usuários e gerar uma API string para integração - GitHub - LastHasagi/CND-DSX: Fazer consultas CND para usuários e gerar uma API string para integração
_digu_8mo ago
you can see the code and the full idea the web site is simple cause i want to create a api that is gonna call my code to call the request to the other api its lik this: user -> other site using my api -> my code -> cnd api -> get the pdf and returnes to the user only the pdf file
Brody8mo ago
in your site.html file you are fetching localhost, you should only need to specify a path instead of a full domain and path like you currently do
_digu_8mo ago
so i need to set in site.html the 'https://dsx-consulta-cnd.up.railway.app' instead the localhost is it right ?
Brody8mo ago
you should only need to use the path portion
_digu_8mo ago
i'm new doing this type of project
Brody8mo ago
no worries
_digu_8mo ago
could you see if its right now ? I'm really sorry...
Brody8mo ago
looks fine, you do have a bearer token in plaintext in your repo, so that's not good please use environment variables for that type of thing, you can set them in the variables tab of your railway service https://docs.railway.app/develop/variables#defining-variables
_digu_8mo ago
oh, okay ! i need to change this ! I usually use .env to set those keys ! I'm gonna change now !
Brody8mo ago
try to stay away from .env too, since that's still storing sensitive information in plaintext
_digu_8mo ago
do you have any type for me to set the process of creating my api to send to the users ? oh, I would set a .gitignore, it still bad ?
Brody8mo ago
you do absolutely want the .env file in your gitignore
_digu_8mo ago
Is there someway to hire you to work with me in this project ? You're the first person that really wanted to help me... I would like to work with you and I would like to pay you for this and for some lessons I've never had someone to help me or teach me, I've learned all by myself
Brody8mo ago
I'm not even a python dev lol
_digu_8mo ago
there is a chance where we can work together ?
Brody8mo ago
but im not a python dev, and this is a python project
_digu_7mo ago
i need someone to help me with this and other projects... do you know someone ?
Brody7mo ago
@alex send the buildergoop discord server
alex7mo ago
Brody7mo ago
is this even an applicable server to ask for development help Alex? or am I totally off the mark
_digu_7mo ago
i'm working in a html and js project to.... if you have time to take a look and see if you want to work with me, i would be i would be very happy to show you
Brody7mo ago
you can dm me and ill have a look