Untracked source files and unparsed configs

Currently getting this list of errors after an update. Any andive on where to start fixing?
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5 Replies
extended-yellow8mo ago
based on waht i could find already: untracked source files notification are normal. and am currently following this manual
extended-yellow8mo ago
Crowsnest v4 contains breaking changes and requires manual steps to...
Crowsnest just recently made huge changes to the way it works. This is great news, because it should be much faster and more reliable. Unfortunately, it also means that there are major breaking changes, and you'll need to do some manual steps to upgrade. When you update to V4 through the machine tab in mainsail, crowsnest will stop working until...
extended-yellow8mo ago
seemed to work only my mainsail settings need to be different
extended-yellow8mo ago
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miklschmidt8mo ago
It is, if you're using klippy and/or moonraker extra's, and we very much are.