Custom domain and sub-domains stuck at verifying an initializing

I'm aware that cf facing dowtime but dns seems to be recovered and I'm facing this issue since last 2-3 hours. Not sure whether it is completed related or what but this happened to me for the first time, otherwise adding a custom domain to a worker or pages is super quick My apex/root domain is stuck at initializing and CNAMEs are stuck at Verifying. Any help and insights are appreciated.
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30 Replies
Ayaan8mo ago
Cloudflare is facing downtime for few of the services, expect it to be fixed soon. Check status on
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dhakkad8mo ago
@Minsu Kim the .dev domain was working fine, before I slept and now I only get uses an unsupported protocol. ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH
Ayaan8mo ago
Just let CF fixes that outage some APIs not working now, so SSL issue API is also not working
Chaika8mo ago
Those are known, you're not the only one affected. CF for Saas (the product CF Pages uses for Custom Domains) is completely down at the moment as far as I can see, and Universal certs (the one for your is stuck pending deployment
sakura8mo ago
Are you still stuck at Verifying? We're facing this same issue right now
dhakkad8mo ago
Yes, still the same. the *.dev seems to be working again
Chaika8mo ago
Nice, they both made their way to the status page btw: * SSL: Provisioning delays ( ssl) * SSL for SaaS: Custom hostname validation delays (Pages Custom domains)
dhakkad8mo ago
Does that mean that the custom hostname on swith-domain and root domain will soon get initialized and validated on its own or do I've to do something for it? Because currently it still has Initializing status
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Chaika8mo ago
I wouldn't say soon. Custom Domains/Hostnames have been broken for me since last night, but they're aware of the issue and have a line of the status page updates for it now When it starts working, it should just validate and everything on its own. The whole system is built around that idea, but hard to know for sure since this is a one of the a kind incident
dhakkad8mo ago
Ok, sounds right, will provide an update here as well, if starts working on my side.
dhakkad8mo ago
Fun fact, my custom domain for pages is now working but dash still shows Initializing
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dhakkad8mo ago
@Chaika ^
Chaika8mo ago
A few of my custom hostnames jumped to blocked, so it seems some gears are starting to turn did it issue you a certificate for it? Should be able to see, if it's one just for that hostname or a wildcard universal
dhakkad8mo ago
So, issue to states to my root domain, that's means it is for the root domain, as far as I can understand. On, it says * and
Chaika8mo ago
means it's your universal, probably stuck initalizing because the cert hasn't been issued yet
dhakkad8mo ago
yup, still stuck but at least i have the site up and running now, seems like it will still take time for for the exact CNAME
Chaika8mo ago
Any better now? Status page says SSL for SaaS/ Pages Custom domains functionality has been restored, mine looks fully activated now
dhakkad8mo ago
Not yet, still in initialization status.
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Chaika8mo ago
hmm, I suppose SSL is still delayed on provisoning, guess it could be that and I just got lucky
dhakkad8mo ago
Yes, could be, I hope this gets fixed soon, I need to make a few changes for production but can't do that considering the downtime, will have to wait for complete uptime. Glad that you've your custom ones in active state.
Chaika8mo ago
hmm, what prevents you from making those changes? They're working, right? Pages itself deployments are mostly ok afaik
dhakkad8mo ago
Have to make changes at dns record level and something same will happen again when I made a few changes yesterday without realizing that cf is having a global downtown and I was in a situation where the service was down for more than 10+ hours
Chaika8mo ago
ahh.. yea might want to wait, DNS Updates are still a bit unstable
dhakkad7mo ago
yup, thanks for providing an update I added a test cname for my pages site and it went to verifying and then active, within a minute. Considering this, I removed the root custom domain which was stuck for Initializing and added it again but this still goes to Initializing
sakura7mo ago
Still at verifying?
dhakkad7mo ago
No description
sakura7mo ago
Wow oof
Cubicake |
I'm getting a similar problem, except works but my doesnt
dhakkad7mo ago
So when I checked today, it was in active state but to make some changes, I had to remove both the domains and as a result, I added these back and it went to Initializing again. All active now.
Cubicake |
dang mine are still initializing