What is Egress and why am I suddenly paying it?

Hi there, I just noticed I have something like 600GB of Egress usage and I have no idea what that means. My app has never used any egress up until now (again, I did not even know that field existed), and the amount seems to be absolutely insane. Could you please tell me where it is coming from and what can I do to avoid this?
139 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: b80fbea0-3f24-4fa5-ab1b-3d267f761495
Omeganex99998mo ago
domb848mo ago
Had exactly the same thing this morning. I'm assuming this is a billing error. Luckily my prject was stopped by my billing limit.
Omeganex99998mo ago
I hope so. It's currently $60 on a project where I've barely paid more than $20 per month. There seem to be absolutely nothing out of ordinary.
domb848mo ago
make sure you get a billing limit put in place!
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
Same here yesterday my costs were $52.36 today $107.80
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
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ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
should we send an email to billing? But this does look like more a web error than a billing issue And it's impossible for me to have used that amount of GB
Omeganex99998mo ago
I would rather not put an arbitrary limit since this is used by a client in a different timezone and I wouldn't want the app to stop working when I'm sleeping 😆
jeremy8mo ago
Same here, looks like the metrics changed from bytes to MB/MB to GB. Everything has been multiply by 1000. When I see 1GB it should be 1MB, when I see 1MB it should be 1B and so on
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
I'm pretty upset with this ngl
Omeganex99998mo ago
Same here. There is literally nothing that could explain that
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
what if I had a hard limit for whatever reason and it hit the limit and the service stopped for no reason
Omeganex99998mo ago
I noticed this error seems to be related to MongoDB in my case
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
Hope they fix it soon. Dont want to see the 445GB convert to 4500GB in a few hours
domb848mo ago
curiously mine is postgresql, which supposedly egressed 100GB perhaps it only affects the provided db services. no other containers seem to be affected
Viking_Cam8mo ago
I'm presuming a graph error too; My node websites are seeing much higher egress than normal (though no where near what you all are seeing thankfully), even with no users on the site Edit: From comparing old results to now, I'd estimate my egress is showing 10x higher than it should
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
Any updates?
domb848mo ago
Also waiting for an update!
Omeganex99998mo ago
I'm waiting to hear from them too...
Duchess8mo ago
Thread has been flagged to Railway team by @Adam.
angelo8mo ago
Oh no- this is not good.
JustJake8mo ago
Hi! Egress is outbound traffic for your application We were charging for it before but weren't calculating it correctly. We fixed a bug with it yesterday and will be throwing it into the changelog Happy to look into it if it's not accurate
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
Hmm I'm pretty sure isn't accurate...
JustJake8mo ago
Project and serviceID?
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
40e44f3c-0508-45c6-b255-a4558921d6f5 This is a yesterday screenshot that I sent to a friend
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
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ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
this is today:
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
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Adam8mo ago
JustJake8mo ago
So, that appears to be accurate according to the instance itself Are you making requests via the external network or internal private network?
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ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
external everything external
JustJake8mo ago
Yea that's an issue. So you're transfering payloads over the public network which we pay downstream to our provider :/ We've been charging for this for a while (since early/middle of the year) but recently fixed a bug where we were undercounting it by a LOT. Cause it was brought up internally that we were billing X for egress, but paying GCP almost 50x that I'm happy to apply credits for this months bill on the above difference, but you're gonna want to switch to using the internal network Does that seem reasonable? (BTW if you use the internal network, the cost, at least for the PG instance, should disappear entirely) We're also moving to our own hardware early/middle next year because, well, GCP are awful for this + a littiny of other reasons (At which point we can bill MUCH cheaper for that SKU)
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
Honestly this is a no no for me. This is basically a killing thing for me that won't make it possible to run my service on Railway. I run an n8n container image that just receives plain text data and re-directs to other endpoints... how I'm supposed to use private network in my case?
JustJake8mo ago
Oh lemme clarify; I just mean the n8n -> db connection public -> n8n is like, $10 in your screenshot, and you're also probably paying for egress from the DB to the n8n container (since you're round tripping outside the cluster's intranet)
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
you mean the connection between the database and the n8n controller?
JustJake8mo ago
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
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ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
I though by calling it directly by the var it would use internal network?
JustJake8mo ago
Unfortunately the plugins dont' have an internal network :/ (nor do they let you update the image) Which is why we released the Service+Volume version of plugins, and internal is the default for those (I see how this is frustating. Talking internally about ways to remedy this at least for this month Proposed solutions include voiding egress for V1 plugins for this month)
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
question, until what date the plugins wont be supported? I mean you guys released a new thing for these ok but when it will be "unsupported" to use old plugins? I think the egress thing should be voided until that date bcs I installed the plugin when it was the default thing
JustJake8mo ago
V1 plugins are deprecated as of last month (new ones aren't able to be provisioned) They'll be unsupposed as of Jan 2024 (3mo+ to cutover)
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
in my opinion the egress should be voided until unsupported date, cause a night-update change literally can increase costs of an app by 100% from one day to next... now I have to investigate how to pass from plugin to native postgres db service to use the internal network otherwise my project can't run on Railway
JustJake8mo ago
This request doesn't seem unreasonable FWIW Regardless we'll have resolution in the next hour BTW I'd love to hear from @jeremy and @domb84 since y'all saw this issue as well Is it just with the DB instance or are you seeing crazy egress with others?
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
Ok, can you please point me a guide or documentation (if exists) how to migrate from postgres plugin to native postgres?
JustJake8mo ago
We're gonna enable a 1-Click today for it
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
Thanks to god
JustJake8mo ago
(Assuming we haven't already)
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ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
and you guys lol
JustJake8mo ago
This might be admins only ATM
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
Okay, that will help a lot
JustJake8mo ago
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
ok, cool then it makes sense
JustJake8mo ago
So, 1-click, waive all egress for this month, maybe 50% next month?
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
to just void it for this month and next 50% yeah
JustJake8mo ago
Kinda a little sliding scale as they go out. Good forcing function and all that (And we'd apply it as a Plugin_V1_Egress discount on the billing, so that people don't see it as a massive surprise bill that they have to pay immediately)
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
Okay, last question Cooper as I have your attention here. So per my image my "egress" is in the postgress plugin, which as you mentioned is between n8n and db. But when I respond to a webhook that "egress" that is sent to a public url (https) will still count as external right?
JustJake8mo ago
So you pay for the in not the out, if that makes sense Or, out not in. I'd have to check Regardless, that JSON payload should probably be TINY in comparison to doing a ton of selects consistently and passing that out/in
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
yeah okay
jeremy8mo ago
I'm seeing it for all my services (441e4d9c-c378-48c1-b974-77aa4aeee907, 9bda1f3e-10b6-4bcc-882c-f4345264c168, 43a0cabc-1194-4e24-858c-55e9cab88488 and a redis plugin). I would love to get more information on what the issue was, and how I can debug it on my side. My bill going from 20$/month to 60$/month is a steep overnight patch fix 😅
JustJake8mo ago
ProjectID plz?
jeremy8mo ago
JustJake8mo ago
I bet you like 80% of that is the redis plugin, and 10% is actually "backwash" from the instances connecting to the plugin over public network @jeremy can you pull this view for me? Top right -> Icon -> Billing -> hello aurora -> click to expand
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
Sorry to bother you, this 1-click migrate will only apply to postgresql or all the plugins? I figured out that my Redis instance is a plugin too....
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
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JustJake8mo ago
All plugins
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
ok cool
JustJake8mo ago
Not gonna leave you high and dry salute
jeremy8mo ago
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jr8mo ago
The 1-click migrate is not released yet. We will announce when it is available
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
yea I know, cooper explained it's a soon-release feature...
domb848mo ago
@Cooper just DB. theres no way that 100GB of traffic has been sent from that DB
JustJake8mo ago
Yea so, 80% of your egress is from that redis plugin, 10% backwash into your other services
domb848mo ago
100GB egress on a tiny zabbix instance?
JustJake8mo ago
transfers happen a LOT
domb848mo ago
but all the egress has happened in one night, and no additional monitoring added
JustJake8mo ago
Alright here's the resolution: - We will revert the egress PR for today - We will announce it in the changelog today + email - We will add a coupon for 100% discount on egress for plugins this month, 50% next - We will merge the coupon PR + unrevert the cost calc on Monday
domb848mo ago
refund is good, but i'm not sure where redis enters my issue with a standard postgres db
JustJake8mo ago
What do you mean sorry? Can you post this for your project?
domb848mo ago
i dont have a billing tab?
domb848mo ago
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JustJake8mo ago
Yea so 50:1 egress for PG vs zabbix services
jeremy8mo ago
Any plan to have an included amount of egress by plans? 50Go included (hobby) and more for Pro for example. Or any egress will always be billable?
domb848mo ago
106GB of egress from the standard postgresdb in a couple of hour window? also how is it egres its local between the containers
JustJake8mo ago
egress will always be billable, but when we go bare metal early/mid next year we'll cut the billing drastically Cause it uses the external URL
domb848mo ago
its not mapped externally? its not accessible via the wan or are you saying the DBs are by default and you don't route traffic internally for services?
JustJake8mo ago
We don't route it for legacy plugins We do for the PluginV2
domb848mo ago
legacy in what sense... theres one option when creating a db?
JustJake8mo ago
V1s no I built them almost 3 years and 2 countries ago As of middle last month all Postgres instances created are V2 I think you got, unfortunately, one of the last legacy plugins
domb848mo ago
it still makes no sense that 100GB of data was egressed have you got a historical egress graph? also how would anybody know what version of what plugin is used in their environment?
JustJake8mo ago
We will tell you as of later today (or latest next week)
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JustJake8mo ago
Link me your projectID?
domb848mo ago
so we migrate to new "v2" database, and egress charges stop to services within the project?
JustJake8mo ago
This should be your historical graph
domb848mo ago
JustJake8mo ago
Should drastically provided you use the private URL (Almost entirely)
domb848mo ago
i get cpu and ram, no egress tracking
Brody8mo ago
if your database does have a volume, it's a database v2. if your database doesn't have a volume, it's a legacy database
JustJake8mo ago
This has egress on it?
domb848mo ago
its just a number
JustJake8mo ago
domb848mo ago
yesterday egress was pennies then this morning it was 100GB and $15
JustJake8mo ago
Shit, sorry you want a graph on it
domb848mo ago
ideally! because all the egress charges occured in a few hours, hence my confusion my spend for the month was predeicted to be sub $10, then over night i supposedly egressed more than that do we get the option to migrate from a v1 to a v2 later in the week? currently there is no option @Cooper
JustJake8mo ago
Yea we're working on rolling it out either this week or next (Admins only ATM while we make sure the migration workflows are as ezpz as possible/make sure data safely migrates in various situations) (Hence the "Waive 100% for a month")
domb848mo ago
also i can see from the network graph the egress i think, but its between containers, so i would have taken this to mean zero egress
JustJake8mo ago
Can you define "between containers"
ThallesComH8mo ago
please 🙏 $0.10/GB is so overpriced compared to other clouds tbh
JustJake8mo ago
I think it's what other people charge? Other than say, Fly And that's cause they have their own racks This is actually the lowest egress cost on GCP (costs 0.20/GB for China egress but we eat that cause we want it to be easy to understand ;_;)
domb848mo ago
between the containers in the project and the db in the project, i would have assumed a zero cost as nothing SHOULD be egressed but you're saying that traffic between the containers in the project and the db are actually egressed over the internet
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
This is what I tought too but seems V1 plugins really don't do that They pass the data through public network which is why we see that ton of GBs but with the new V2 native db that data should run internal network Cooper explained to me if you scroll up
ThallesComH8mo ago
where $0.10/GB is the lowest egress?
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domb848mo ago
thats between regions
JustJake8mo ago
Yea the V1 plugins were built really fast, 3 years ago, by a sub par engineer (See: me)
domb848mo ago
not from google cloud to the internet
ThallesComH8mo ago
yeah you're right
ThallesComH8mo ago
in premium tier networking is the expensive thing
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JustJake8mo ago
Yup it's this one IIRC We want the best stuff for y'all
Omeganex99998mo ago
Hey @Cooper , appreciate that you're helping everyone here, could you enlighten me on what is going on in my case? I see the usage has gone back down substantially, but I'm still confused by the egress Project ID b80fbea0-3f24-4fa5-ab1b-3d267f761495
JustJake8mo ago
Could you do this for me? CC @Omeganex9999
Omeganex99998mo ago
Hey, I'm in billing but I don't see any "Hello xxx" to expand I just see my plan, payment method, billing email and billing history
JustJake8mo ago
Usage on the left?
JustJake8mo ago
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Omeganex99998mo ago
Here's a screen with everything What is today just 10.07 GB of Egress, was 600+ this morning
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JustJake8mo ago
Is it just a Mongo instance? If so, that's also Plugin V1 egress stuff
Omeganex99998mo ago
Yes, just that one. Anything I should do?
Brody8mo ago
does your mongo instance have a volume?
Omeganex99998mo ago
I think it's a plugin, don't see "volume" anwyhere
Brody8mo ago
migrate to a new mongo database, and then connect to the database over the private network, i was told there is no network costs when using the private network
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
Brody, quick question I created this testing postgresdb to play a bit and understand concepts, I can see there is two urls, one private one public, ok. But the host uses the public url... so if I have to connect my container to use the private network I put the private network database url and the host that contains the public url? Does it make sense?
Brody8mo ago
half way though it stopped making sense does your app require the use of PGHOST and PGPORT ?
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
this is what my app require:
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Brody8mo ago
can you open a new thread titled "help me use the private network for database conenctions" and ill help you there
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <38mo ago
ok 😆
jeremy8mo ago
Thinking about it now, Redis is being used by the 3 services. Can you give me a percentage of how much egress is going to each services? I believe the Redis itself shouldn’t haven’t any egress, but the others services should be the one having the egress. Also, what does “10% backwash mean?”
JustJake8mo ago
Your redis instance is "serving the data back" To 3 services. You can probably estimate how much by looking at that screenshot breakdown of the egress of all 3 services summed then divided by the service itself
Jack7mo ago
Hey, just updated my N8N template to use workers and run off docker images rather than GitHub repo’s, more reliably, in addition to using an internally networked Postgres service to significantly reduce a huge chunk of egress fees; noticed this could be of help to you. Saw you were using a modified version of mine with a worker service added, not sure if there’s any way to transfer database contents but just wanted to let you know if you were interested. https://docs.n8n.io/workflows/export-import/ https://railway.app/template/r2SNX_
Export and import | n8n Docs
Export and import workflows
Deploy N8N on Railway
A powerful workflow automation tool for technical people
Brody7mo ago
^ Brody approved template
ENT3I <3
ENT3I <37mo ago
Hey thanks @Jack really useful for sure I'll use it for other side-project I have. My prod project need the ability to install custom modules using npm install on the dockerfile which I think yours doesn't give yet the ability to. However I installed this template 1 month ago before yours had a queue mode option which now I think it's really really helpful!