Where Can I Find This Coat (Or Something Largely Similar) in the UK?
Of all the different coats I've checked online, this is the one that seems to fit the bill. It's long but more importantly, it's fully fur-lined. While that in of itself is hardly rare, I've found it surprising how many fur-lined coats lack breast pockets. Also, it's seemingly rare that the sleeves are fur-lined as well. This also isn't a leather coat which I prefer not to wear. In my personal experience, there is nothing better than being buried in a blanket of fur and I believe this coat is the one for me.
I'm not after this exact coat as I believe this costs in excess of £1'500, but if I can something that's considerably cheaper, I would happily consider it.
3 Replies
a full shearling lining like that is very expensive, >1500 gb sounds right to me.
you might be looking for a b-3 bomber jacket, which is shorter than the one in the pictue but has shearling lined sleeves
I figured as much of it being expensive. I assumed if faux fur was used instead, it would heavily reduce the price so at that point, the only thing I'm after was something that largely resembles the look.
Thanks for your suggestion and I've seen quite a few these around but I still nevertheless prefer design of my original post.