Railway8mo ago

Why did my current usage increased 15 times?

Hi! I have several small API projects that I host on Railway. So far I have paid about $20 per month. Now I got an email yesterday that I am at $100 so far and at the end of the month at over $300. I have not changed anything and the traffic has not increased. Where did the increase come from? And why is "Estimated Bill" unaffected and at the old level? The costs come from "Egress" - what is that and what does the discount mean? Thank you very much for your help!
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it’s a bit more complex than that. Railway has fixed a bug regarding the pricing of publi network egress (traffic) and that has resulted in increased costs. Seems like your services may communicate with each other over public networking. To eliminate the cost, have them communicate over private networking
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7 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: N/A
fifow8mo ago
fifow8mo ago
Okay so pricing will increase from $20 to more than $300 in the next 3 months?
Brody8mo ago
egress is charged at 0.10 cents per gb https://docs.railway.app/reference/pricing#usage-pricing
Adam8mo ago
it’s a bit more complex than that. Railway has fixed a bug regarding the pricing of publi network egress (traffic) and that has resulted in increased costs. Seems like your services may communicate with each other over public networking. To eliminate the cost, have them communicate over private networking
Adam8mo ago
The egress fees will be waived this month and halved next month as shown on your pricing page. This will be communicated by the team early next week