Homarr7mo ago

neu Version 0.14 login

Love the new authentication release. Wanted to know if there is a way to have the login screen be the default wenn not logged in with any user ? Or is it intended that whatever is displaying wenn not logged in is default board and wenn loged in with different users those dashboards are allocated to the users ?
This issue should be fixed with release v0.14.1 ! If not, please open up a ticket in #💬・get-help
Release v0.14.1 Stability improvement and bug fixes · ajnart/homarr
Your issues should be resolved! During the last release, we didn't spend enough time to test on different hardware configurations to ensure that v0.14.0 would work on the majority of people'...
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16 Replies
Tag7mo ago
You can make your boards not being able to be seen when not logged in. If no boards are able to be seen then it should normally redirect to login. On your board, top right corner middle button "Customize board" -> Access -> Allow anonymous, just uncheck that
zFredie7mo ago
I unchecked it but it still does not seem to redirect to the login screen
Manicraft10017mo ago
Can you try an Incognito session? Also, did the toggle actually get saved? You can check by reopening the page
ajnart7mo ago
zFredie7mo ago
I'll check it an will report in q bit 😜
ajnart7mo ago
@zFredie so I assume this is fixed ?
zFredie7mo ago
Was not abl to text it yet. Will report tomorrow will not get to it today hope that is ok before this is closed ?
Tag7mo ago
It's your issue, no worries. There is something concerning this issue that is getting fixed and will be part of the 0.14.1 bugfix update that should come really shortly to address all the bugs
zFredie7mo ago
just tested it seems to be not working so i will be waiting for the fix
Manicraft10017mo ago
Can you test the dev image? It should be fixed there I pushed a fix to that image a few hours ago @zFredie
zFredie7mo ago
i will do that tomorrow german time and will let you know
Niyazaki7mo ago
I just wanted to say that I experience the same issue as zFredie I just tried to pull the dev image. Image used: image: ghcr.io/ajnart/homarr:dev Users : Only me, owner, admin Boards : "default", from old version (0.13) "Test" , set as default, empty, new version. Both have the toggle for anonymous watch set to not let anonymus people see the board. Using my account I see the "test" board with the URL localaddress/board and seems ok. When using incognito mode, I see "default" board with the same url. Also, if I delete "test" there is no more default board (bug? is it normal that this is allowed ?) so I see the default homarr board (url /b) and incognito sees the "default" page (still not normal). Of course, if I set "default" as default, I and incognito see the "default" page. Hope it helps. Would love to do the test by deleting all "old" board ("default") but cannot restore a backup (see #Cannot backup / restore backup anymore ?) so I'm scared of doing it.
Chanchan7mo ago
Hello, I just updated to 0.14.0 via docker compose. Even without activating the "Allow anonymous" option, I can access my dashboard without being connected to any user!
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Manicraft10017mo ago
Hi, this has been fixed and will be released in 0.14.1. We are hoping to release 0.14.1 today or tomrrow 🙂
Chanchan7mo ago
thank you 👍
ajnart7mo ago
This issue should be fixed with release v0.14.1 ! If not, please open up a ticket in #💬・get-help
Release v0.14.1 Stability improvement and bug fixes · ajnart/homarr
Your issues should be resolved! During the last release, we didn't spend enough time to test on different hardware configurations to ensure that v0.14.0 would work on the majority of people'...