How to efficiently (re)organize this wardrobe?

So I have had this wardrobe since I was born. It's EXTREMELY small and I'm a bit unsure how best to organize it right now. The main problem is the clothing rack. Especially now that thicker pieces will be hanging on it now that it's becoming winter. And at the bottom a lot of smaller pieces are just laying around. Lets break it down On the top shelf on the right are my pants, jeans mainly and some more dressier pants, on the left are my pajamas. On the rack, from left to right; The spring/summer clothes are hanging all the way to the left (And vice verse when it's summer). Then in the middle we have my dressier button-ups, 1 white, 1 black. To the right of those are my winter shirts/sweaters. Then we have my gray 3 piece suit, well I say 3 pieces but it's 3 separate pieces that all happened to match exactly in color and fabric so I bought them and made them into 1 suit. And then my coat. It's a bit long and it reaches the basket, but our coat hanger downstairs only has those kinds of hook hangers and I heard it's bad for a coat, so I kept it in my closet. And finally my dress belts, 1 brown, 1 black. At the bottom, we have a basket with one one side my socks and on the other my underwear. No dressy socks as of now, just some cheap department stores ones. To the left of the basket are my workout clothes. Behind the basket are my swimming trunks, as well as my black tie rolled up but just laying there. While it's not super "messy" it's far from neat in my eyes. Mainly the top with how the pajamas and pants squish against each other. Or how the coat reaches down to the basket. And of course no proper place to store ties or watches. So; Do any of you have advice how I can organize this more efficiently? I myself was already thinking of buying those sticky hook things and put them against the door in a bit of an up-and-down pattern for my belts. The door is unfortunately a tad too small in width to hang either my coat or suit on. I can't afford to buy a whole new closet, both because it's too expensive and I have nowhere to put it (A larger closet doesn't fit in my room at this moment). The closet you see next to it holds my general things; Books, TCG Cards, Games, Music, Movies, TCG Binders and music supplies, and some skin/self-care supplies. So I can't use that closet. Any advice is welcome, and if there are any questions, let me know.
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13 Replies
I’m gonna be real with you dude this looks more organized than my closet has ever been or ever will be Have you considered just rolling up the belts and putting them in the basket to free up some space to hang things? That way you could probably hang your pants if you wanted to
s0up7mo ago
Gonna second what art said. I think you've already done really well with the space you have
Mochice7mo ago
I have considered that but they'd be on top of the socks and underwear, and considering I don't wear my suit or belt a lot (If ever, I don't work or go to events that require them) having to constantly pick them up, and then reroll them is a bit clumsy
s0up7mo ago
The only thing I could think of is that if space is an issue do you have somewhere you could store strictly summer items during winter and vice-versa? This would give you more space each season
Regardless then, hanging them on the door accomplishes the same thing. If you hang your pants that will free up more space on the top shelf
Nexufy7mo ago
Have you considered space-saving hangers for your clothes? Also for the folded clothes at the bottom and top of your closet, I suggest purchasing more baskets and looking into Marie Kondo clothes folding methods. Looks pretty tidy and it saved me a ton of space.
s0up7mo ago
Great suggestion. I have some multi trouser hangers that can hang four pairs on each. Very good for space saving
Mochice7mo ago
I don't know what space saving hangers are. Are they something like extra thin? As for the baskets, I'll have to see if I can find any small one where at least the seasonal items fit in folder and put them on top, good suggestion.
s0up7mo ago
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s0up7mo ago
Someone like that on the right is what I have for trousers/jeans
Mochice7mo ago
I'll have to look into that, never heard of those before. Could indeed work for some thinner pants I'd wager What about ties? I can't really just chuck it into the back of my closet
Roll them up and put them in the basket under/behind socks and underwear
Mochice7mo ago
After some shopping today, I reorganised my closet as best I could. I bought a plastic container and chucked my summer clothes and old pajamas in. So that's plenty of space for the pants which I might see if I can find something to let them sort of hang from the top folded. I bought some hooks to put my belts on and attached them to the door. I put my swimming trunks and workout clothes in a basket in the back. And bought a storage box which seemed ideal as a box to keep my ties in. I'll also slowly be replacing the hangers with thinner velvet ones although I've heard they can break easily. On the other closet I hung a rack to put my hats on or outfit for the day. Will have to test a few days if it can fit properly on my normal door because this does make the closet open slightly so dust can come in. Then again, I accidentally blasted the back open of the other closet due pushing the basket too far back so I suppose it doesn't matter at this point lol
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