Novu7mo ago

Updating Message CTA Button status using TransactionId

I am sending notifications which contains CTA buttons (Approve and Reject) to multiple subscribers using topic So If one of the subscriber Approve it I want to remove the CTA buttons on other subscribers Can someone let me know how to achieve this behaviour For example: I have two subscribers A and B I sent a leave request notification to both A and B using topic named leave-request A approves the leave request using CTA button provided in the notification Now I want to hide the CTA buttons in B subscriber since the leave request is already been approved by subscriber A
10 Replies
empe7mo ago
We are talking about an In-App notification - right?
San7mo ago
Yes @Emil
empe7mo ago
So you are looking for a way to dynamically update the content of the notifications based on the actions taken by the subscribers. Interesting use case, checking.
San7mo ago
Yes Because in payroll systems we have admins with different roles and permission For example Admin (subscriber) can give permissions to the manager (subscriber) to approve the leave request So when manager approves the leave request sent by an employee we can hide the cta buttons for manager but I still see them for admin notifications which is not expected TransactionId is the only thing which is in common between them And as per Open Spec I can only delete message dynamically by using transactionId but I cannot update it (for example removing CTA buttons) @Emil
Novu_Bot7mo ago
@San, you just advanced to level 1!
San7mo ago
Any possible solutions please?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain7mo ago
Hi @San In Novu, once a message (step notification) is sent to subscriber (user), it can not be modified. In your case, you have added CTA action buttons, approve and reject. In UI, you will have to handle the click event on these buttons using code. checkout this documentation for this. So if user1 click on the approve button and you update the status of that event using above onActionClick handler in your backend. Again if user2 clicks on approve button, you can show popup saying that this is not allowed. Let me know if you have any questions.
San7mo ago
So you were saying we should handle it on our own and notification content cannot be changed based on the actions taken by other subscribers @Pawan Jain ? It would be more beneficial if we could customize notification content dynamically, adjusting it based on the actions of other subscribers within the same topic.
San7mo ago
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