Cloudflare and Vercel SSL

Encountering some issues going from a Vercel frotnend that is not seeing the SSL certs or somethign is going wrong on a latest prod deployment. My apex redirects to (Vercel has a little module to set up a redirect) and on railway I have as a backend. I am trying to read this doc that is a bit tricky (lot of double negatives, etc.) I don't believe im wildcatting, so is it ok to have proxies enabled on Cloudflare? what should my setup be? It seems like Vercel tries to make certificates, as does CloudFlare. I'm kinda new at this so if anyone has a strategy here, would appreciate it! Should I be un-proxied/DNS only in my CNAME to vercel? And everything from Vercel over to railway (api.mysite...) is proxied? thanks.
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6 Replies
Percy8mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Fragly8mo ago
If you have proxying enabled in cloudflare then you just need to make sure it's in full mode you don't need to have it enabled though as far as I'm aware
odysseus8mo ago
Ya I don't think it's a railway thing. The API / railway works. Just something deep in next is 404ing and not getting the requests out.
Fragly8mo ago
also railway does auto issue SSL certs
odysseus8mo ago
Earlier, it was saying it was SSL related, but I tweaked it. And remade a CNAME, so no more error like that.
Fragly8mo ago
Mind explaining your setup? So you have a vercel front end running making requests to your railway backend but something somewhere is returning a 404 error when making a request to the api, is that right?