Server Error: Application failed to respond
Project ID: fde24f92-82da-4b2c-a408-5a97c62e4951
I am attempting my first upload to railway and I am getting a Server Error.
Its a django app. Deployed successfully. There isn't anything in the deploy logs as why its having the server error. Nothing in the Build logs. I can't find any information on why I am getting the Server Error.
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Project ID:
give this page a read please
I had found this article beforehand but the solution it gave me was its already configured.
Python / Gunicorn
gunicorn listens on and the PORT environment variable by default:
gunicorn main:app
There is no additional configuration necessary.
okay and what is the start command Railway is using?
that's not gunicorn
please reference this file on how to set a start command
What do I change it too?
there's no universal answer to that question, I'd need to see your repo
How do I identify what it should be?
Also how do I see why I'm getting this error? I can't see where it says anything is having an error
the "why" is outlined in this docs page
edit: this is the correct syntax now
What's the exact syntax?
gunicorn <edenthought>:wsgi
remove the angle brackets
then use this railway.json file, but replace its gunicorn command with yours
Well that failed as well
build logs please
okay thats entirely my fault
its a period instead of a colon
yeah, its still on app failed to respond
both build and deploy logs please
both look good
it is actually running now
do you have a volume
Thank you so much...and a volume?
haha if you dont know then you dont have one, so just give this a read so you can avoid any more failed to respond messages between deployments