Railway7mo ago

It seems my ISP is blocking my access to Railway services

Hello, guys! I was trying to submit a project to Railway as usual. I just changed to one of the most popular ISP on my country (Dominican Republic) and now all of the projects that I've done before on railway says "Taking too long to respond". It happens to everyperson who has this ISP. We tried with another ISP and everything works perfect. We tried using VPN and it works good as well.
3 Replies
Brody7mo ago
like I said in your previous help thread, if your isp is blocking your access to railway there isn't all that much Railway can do about this unfortunately
asaanz_7mo ago
Mmm, could be for my plan selection? I have $5 hobby plan, maybe trying to changing the region?
Brody7mo ago
yes you could change the region if you upgraded to pro, but there would be nothing stopping your isp from blocking that too, it's up to you