Any plan for Black Frog TKL and Frog Pad restocks ?

Just wondering if black units are within the 300 additional upcoming stocks, and whether the Black Frog Pads are planned for restock. Cheers
5 Replies
Pooh7mo ago
Hello, The Frog Pad is no longer in production.
SuperBigAce7mo ago
Thanks for confirming Pooh, Regarding the Black Frog TKL, are the black units part of the 300 additional stocks that are upcoming? Also, I'm curious if there are any plans for a black version of the Frog TKL 8k.
SuperBigAce7mo ago
And does the Frog 8k support 2u 0 key ? like the F1 8k pictured ? I wasnt able to confirm this from the fuyu pcb layout.
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Pooh7mo ago
The Frog TKL 8K will only be available in silver color. Also, the 2U 0 is not supported by the PCB.
SuperBigAce7mo ago
Thank you. I guess the plate also doesnt support it (?)