Pre-filled Text Bubbles

I wanted to bring to your attention critical issue that I've been experiencing lately. There seems to be an unexpected occurrence of user messages getting automatically pre-filled.
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11 Replies
Baptiste7mo ago
Head over to the Settings tab of your bot and disable the Prefill input option there 🙂
Geethanjali7mo ago
But when I disable it, other variables values which get set by calling webhooks are empty. This wasnt occuring before the update! Any alternative?
Baptiste7mo ago
other variables values which get set by calling webhooks are empty.
I'm not sure what you mean by that! Can you explain or record a video?
Geethanjali7mo ago
Sorry actually the issue is that the variables set via webhooks are not accessible in other blocks. I am utilizing Typebot links to navigate between the blocks.
Baptiste7mo ago
Can you provide a reproduction?
Geethanjali7mo ago
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Geethanjali7mo ago
Refresh_token and access_token are printed in their respective blocks, but when i try to print them again after the "Jump to ", it returns empty.
Baptiste7mo ago
Ok that's a bug, I'll try to reproduce and fix it
Geethanjali7mo ago
thank u
Baptiste7mo ago
Should be fixed in 10 minutes 🙏
Geethanjali7mo ago
Thank u for the prompt reply