cost compared to heroku

Hello, I am a dev for a small company and we have been building a company portal. We currently have it hosted on heroku. We ran into some of our reports hitting the max 30 second request timeout, so we need to switch. Railway looks decent, but i was wondering about how pricing stacks up compared to heroku. We currently utilize the 2x standard dyno and pay 50$ a month. What would a similar setup for railway look like cost wise?
5 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: N/A
PickleRickZ1377mo ago
Brody7mo ago
I'll say this before I type out the rest of my message, railway has a 5 minute max time for post requests, this unfortunately can't be changed.
PickleRickZ1377mo ago
our reports are only taking about 45-50 seconds to complete on the very high end
Brody7mo ago
since you stated that you're a company, you would need to buy seats for whoever would need access to the project on railway, seats are 20$ a month. but usage pricing differs significantly from heroku in that railway only charges for the resources used for the entire account, there's no fixed price per project/service lile there is with the cost of the dynos, as for how much your project would cost, I couldn't tell you, I don't know what it is, it's entirely dependent on how much resources it uses, so if you have an idea of the average cpu and memory, etc, your project uses you can plug that into the pricing estimator on this page in resource-based mode