Railway7mo ago

Can't access minio bucket url (SSL issue?)

I used the minio template on railway and want to access the api with my medusa backend, but simply can't figure to access it. After fumbling with it forever, I realized that it automatically prepones the directory as a subdomain. That said, I think that's the reason why I get an SSL error: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: Host: data.filebucket.up.railway.app. is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:*.up.railway.app I get the same when using a custom domain. Any idea what's the issue?
17 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: 0ef3c343-cbe6-44ad-8522-85699b4e0029
Dan7mo ago
Brody7mo ago
the bucket would be a url path, not a subdomain
Dan7mo ago
Thanks @Brody, but how would I get the url of the server then? https://filebucket.up.railway.app just gives me an application not responding. In the console I can get links, but they all start with https://bucket:9000, which is useless because in my medusajs backend I can't access that
Brody7mo ago
that's an internal address, and you absolutely can access it from other services when running on railway, though you would need to use http instead of https. please read this page https://docs.railway.app/reference/private-networking and it would be a great help if you could familiarise yourself with minio
Dan7mo ago
I read through the minio docs but just can't find any info on where to obtain a public url that I can use in medusajs. the internal URL in railway is just for usage inside the same project as I gathered, which is not possible because I can't create minio next to the medusajs backend in the same project
Dan7mo ago
I've enabled this, hence I have the url https://filebucket.up.railway.app/. Alas I get the application not responding error on this url. Thank you for your help and sorry if I'm asking dumb questions, hope you can help I also added a custom domain, but same thing
Dan7mo ago
Shouldn't that work out of the box if I was using the template? I redeployed on port 3000, but still same thing. If I go to https://filebucket.up.railway.app:3000 or the IP it outputs in the deploy log, it gives me a timeout.
Brody7mo ago
you can only access services publicly via https and port 443 the minio template works out of the box for internal communication
Dan7mo ago
I tried deploying on port 443, but couldn't get it to work. Any hints where I could look into finding a solution?
Adam7mo ago
Compare your code to the minio template. It is working
Brody7mo ago
please read this docs page
Dan7mo ago
Not sure what you mean, I don't have any code yet, just trying to access the bucket publicly Thanks, starting the server with minio server /data --address did the trick
Annika ☄
Annika ☄6mo ago
Big thanks for posting your solution! I got into the same predicament just now. Really helped me out. Happy holidays!
opeah6mo ago
Had the same issue today, thank you for the solution!